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My First Mask Sculpt. - Printable Version

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My First Mask Sculpt. - moviegoon - 06-13-2004

Hey everyone,

I am new to the mask making scene all though it is something I have wanted to do for quite some time. This is the first mask I have ever tried to sculpture. It still needs some work but here is my progress so far. Please let me know what you all think and sorry for the dark picture. I will try and get a better one up soon.


My First Mask Sculpt. - tcm - 06-13-2004

that kicks so much ass!!! thats like perfect!, i love it couldnt be any better imo :o Big Grin

My First Mask Sculpt. - moviegoon - 06-13-2004

Here is a slightly better pic.


My First Mask Sculpt. - tcm - 06-13-2004

wow! are you done with the sculpture, i dont think theres n e thing else needed to be added, that look SO AWESOME!! its not even funny Smile

My First Mask Sculpt. - moviegoon - 06-13-2004

Thanks for the kind words, I think I\'m done with the detail. I need to smooth it out quite a bit and then make a mold. I have never made a mold for something this size before so I am a little nervous about it. I usually do things in 1/6 scale so we\'ll se what happens. I\'ll keep everyone posted on the progress.


My First Mask Sculpt. - The13thDreamShape - 06-13-2004

Hey Man,

That looks soo damn good. thats one of the best Myers sculpts ever. . Thats really awesome man! thats damn good!

My First Mask Sculpt. - Lewis Tully - 06-13-2004

That looks really good. Kicks ass. It\'s tough to find a good Myers. Kinda Smiley, though. Other than that, rocks.


My First Mask Sculpt. - WarLocK - 06-13-2004

Nice work bud, looks similar to the "He" mask and "Damnation". Lets see him painted and haired!

My First Mask Sculpt. - TheChosenOne - 06-13-2004

That\'s indeed a great sculpture.

My First Mask Sculpt. - WilliamAbuJannah - 06-13-2004

that looks really good.