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The Darkman Brothers - Score! - stainboy - 10-15-2006

Well, I have waited 16 years, but I finally have it.

However, this story starts 16 years ago....

In 1990, I had delivered somewhere between 5,000 - 6,000 newspapers to save up the money to buy the most expensive mask I had ever dreamed about buying...........Tony Gardner\'s Deluxe DARKMAN mask, made directly in Alterian Studios - the same studio which applied the latex appliances directly to Liam Neesom\'s face for the Sam Raimi production. At age 13, he was my greatest possession.

[Image: dscn2638kb7.jpg]
[color=\"red\"]<span style=\'font-size:8pt;line-height:100%\'>I would later find out that Tony Gardner limited the
production of these masks to 50 worldwide.[/color]</span>

Months later, Alterian Studios sent me a brochure for more of their masks, including the new Darkman mask, designed with the stale bandages still clinging to Darkman\'s face of open wounds. This mask had a higher production run and a lower overall cost, as well.

I was I was, already broke from the expensive first Darkman mask. However, being a child, I wanted the bandaged mask as well, due to the fact that this Darkman image was much more prevalent in the film. His bandage-free face was only shown for approx. 10 minutes of the film....

But alas, I had no money, thus no mask. I was heartbroken. Sad

Later, Alterian Studios would go out of business and my dreams for acquiring one was gone.

Since my inclusion to Ebay years ago..I have searched nonstop for this bandaged version, and only found one copy (a few years ago). Howwever, I was outbid by a sniper. Ugh....

[color=\"red\"]Last week after spotting another rare one on Ebay (oddly enough listed in the movie poster category)...

I finally won my bandaged Darkman. [/color]

[Image: dscn2804zc9.jpg]
[color=\"red\"]Victory is mine.[/color]

What do you guys think of him? (I put some screen style clothes on him to further the look)

[Image: dscn2813ug4.jpg]

[Image: dscn2816in2.jpg]

[color=\"red\"][font=\"Geneva\"]<span style=\'font-size:14pt;line-height:100%\'>The Darkman Brothers[/color][/font]</span>

[Image: dscn2819dm6.jpg]

[Image: dscn2820ri8.jpg]
The wide angle shot (part of my collection)

What do you guys think of the Brothers McDarkmen? (Okay...bad joke)

The Darkman Brothers - Score! - puckface - 10-15-2006

congratulations man, glad for ya

also very cool lookin setup by the way

The Darkman Brothers - Score! - knewby - 10-15-2006

Congrats on the super sweet score! I LOVE hearing cool stories like that one. Nothing beats looking for a grail for years and then finally scoring it.......Great stuff.......thanks for sharing..............................Larry :wub:

The Darkman Brothers - Score! - Ben_Forsaken - 10-15-2006

great story man, and great masks. Congrats.

The Darkman Brothers - Score! - myers04 - 10-15-2006


The Darkman Brothers - Score! - stainboy - 10-16-2006

Thanks guys.....your comments make the experience that much greater. I\'m glad other people can appreciate it as much as I do.....

Thanks so much..... :yes:

The Darkman Brothers - Score! - Krazy Ken - 10-16-2006

nice score man, congrats.

The Darkman Brothers - Score! - SNIKT! - 10-16-2006

They look right at home there! :biggrin: Way to track that one down! Great lookin masks stainboy...

The Darkman Brothers - Score! - Last_of_the_Brunnen-G - 10-16-2006

Congratulations! It has to feel good to get something you\'ve been wanting for that long.

The Darkman Brothers - Score! - petejig - 10-16-2006

It\'s great when someone gets something they\'ve been searching for for such a long time, it\'s in great condition too,so very well done. You have a diverse collection that is very well set out.
Now for heavens sake get yourself a decent avatar :thumbsup: .