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Think Mask Makers Have It Easy? - Printable Version

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Think Mask Makers Have It Easy? - reddwarf - 12-24-2010

This doesn't fit in community feedback...this has to be seen to show just how nutty people can be.
Some of this may not make sense because this guy is cussed in his emails...the cussing filter here might make it sound strange. I think everyone needs to see this. In the 35 years I've been doing this...this is the weirdest day I've had in a long time.

So here's the story. About 6 months ago I get an email from a guy wanting to by a Witch Head from House. His name is Kyle Parish.
The guy starts out the conversation like this.
"I want to buy the Witch head...but it isn't that accurate and I'll only be willing to give you 110.00."
My response:
"Insulting an artist...isn't a good way to get him to lower the price. The price is 175.00 plus shipping. No haggling, no discussion."

So he says...ok. I'll buy in later on. I told him it will be discontinued on Jan 1. He said ok.

Fast forward to 3 weeks ago. This guy starts emailing me again wanting to buy one after Christmas and doesn't have a paypal account. Wants to send a money order. I told him fine. But after the 1st it won't be available anymore.

For the past 3 weeks this guy has been a non-stop pain in the hiney.
Yesteday I had enough.
He sends me an email asking about the Witch hand that I said would be coming soon on my site. I told him that I got zero interest on that project and opted not to do it.

He emails me demanding that I remove it from my site immediately.
I told him I'll take it under advisement.
Then he emails me saying that he's a big collector and he has "customizers" and sculpters that would do a better job than me anyway.

At that point I had enough.
I email him telling him the head is not send will be returned..these are his emails...

"Look sir you don't know who wants this now god golly gee willikers it I will take you to court and get that coonoodeling thing a very rich man wants this and you are sending it or else I will send the money and make sure the money goes missing if you send it back then I will take your hiney to court claiming you stole my money and didn't send the item. I have someone wanting this and if you don't send it when I send my money then I will come to your house and give you the money and i ambuying that god golly gee willikers head."

My Response.
That's a good plan....since I have your email detailing your plans you go right ahead and do that. I'm not interested in your money...or your games. The mask you want is discontinued and now you are guilty of harassment. All of your emails are now being sent to my lawyer including this one and you can see it's carbon copied. Also...if you come to my house you won't like the result. You seem to think I'm a child. Brother are you mistaken.

His response
"Okay look someone wants this and I am buying it and if you don't let me buy it you're going to court and right now I am not mad I am merely just stating a fact and I am very calm as I am saying this cause I have no worries cause I will get that head. i am sending the 150 and I expect to see my package in the mail."

My response.
Once again..if you send the money it will be returned.

His response.
"Want to know the truth you mutha coonoodlea I am Mike Jackson's lover and I want that god golly gee willikers head and I am going to get it and your lawyer can kiss my hiney now I am going to let this go cause I have enough money to be president if I wanted to but I also have golly gee willikers good ties with very high government offices. I know you aren't a kid, i'm not some ignorant bastard! You know what coonoodle the head I will buy the original and sell a dozen copies cause I have the charisma and talent to do so now be gone and thank you for your time ha!

P.S. My judge is best friends with me so don't try anything silly."

And finally his final email.
I have a billion dollars that I borrow so I don't need your disgusting and awful remake of a good item. Thought it was bad detailing anyway!

Hmm I wonder how you get sued for NOT taking someone's money..

"Actually your lawyer can suck my King Richard and Mike has more money then you and ya lawyer together. We are above you and you ae a disgusting little faggot that sucks a big rooster when it comes around and you my good sir can kiss my hiney. Your lawyer can suck my King Richard as well and by the way I don't live in the US so you can't find me and I am going to hide my identity where ever I go and so will Mike and if you coonoodeling try to say something about this then it's gonna be your hiney and ya gonna be sued by a billionaire so shut your coonoodeling mouth."

I guess I learned 2 things from this...
1. Never screw with Micheal Jacksons lover.
2. It appears Micheal Jackson isn't dead.

* The link this guy sent me...check this out. If you think for a minute he's just screwing with me?* This is no joke. ALSO this link was scanned by my anti-virus software. It's just a yahoo myspace sort of page.

Think Mask Makers Have It Easy? - Last_of_the_Brunnen-G - 12-24-2010

Wow. This post is so weird, I'm hesitant to click on that link.

Think Mask Makers Have It Easy? - reddwarf - 12-24-2010

(12-24-2010, 05:37 AM)Last_of_the_Brunnen-G link Wrote:Wow. This post is so weird, I'm hesitant to click on that link.

The link is's a yahoo myspace page.

Think Mask Makers Have It Easy? - josephchoi - 12-24-2010

Not to have a laugh at your misfortunes, Sam, but that entire convo is flat out hilarious. How old is this guy- 12? I GOT LAWYERS, MAN! Better watch your back, Sam! Tongue

Think Mask Makers Have It Easy? - reddwarf - 12-24-2010

(12-24-2010, 05:48 AM)josephchoi link Wrote:Not to have a laugh at your misfortunes, Sam, but that entire convo is flat out hilarious. How old is this guy- 12? I GOT LAWYERS, MAN! Better watch your back, Sam! Tongue
Yeah I have the Mossburg security system. At conventions I'll have to watch for any little weirdo wearing a surgical mask and a Thriller jacket. :laugh:

Think Mask Makers Have It Easy? - Last_of_the_Brunnen-G - 12-24-2010

I didn't think they were allowed internet access at state hospitals.

Think Mask Makers Have It Easy? - VF 31 - 12-24-2010

talk about bizarre behavior, what a shmuck!

Think Mask Makers Have It Easy? - sirbrad - 12-24-2010

Haha!! Man that was hilarious! A billionaire trying to get you down to $110 and will pay later. LOL!! That guy is psychotic and msot likely broke, that is why he got that way.

Think Mask Makers Have It Easy? - Earl - 12-24-2010

WOW!!!! I've had a few customers that were a bit nutty. But never anything like this.

Think Mask Makers Have It Easy? - evilsmellyclown - 12-24-2010

when i read this the first time i thought this is just one of Sam's buddies having fun with him, but this fruitloop seems to actually be a real nutbag.
