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Custom Hock... - Printable Version

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Custom Hock... - Jason-V - 03-28-2006

howdya get that cross hair in there..part of a old scope??

Custom Hock... - WarLocK - 03-28-2006

That\'s actually badass! Jason XI??? I think it would look even better w/ weathering on it.

Custom Hock... - VF31 - 03-28-2006

ha, that is damn cool

Custom Hock... - Chainsaw - 03-28-2006

Very creative T. Looks like it would be great for asthma geeks like me :thumbsup: :lol: But... where are the tris?! :teehee:

Custom Hock... - adam - 03-28-2006

Looks great Tommy brotha. I think you should get something to fill in the \'unused\' vent holes, but other than that, a truly custom hockey mask. :thumbsup:
Now stop pming me, asking me to reply. :dry:

Custom Hock... - TallDarkandDisfigured - 03-28-2006

Yep definatley needs a toxic green Tri at the top...

Damn fine work bud!

Custom Hock... - SPAZ - 03-28-2006

wow man thats bad ass!!!!!

you know what would be cool
a red light in the other eye(not the cross hair one)

Custom Hock... - Homicidal#9 - 03-28-2006

thanks for all the comments guys. I originally planned on putting chrome screening behind the unused holes, but i just got too lazy. To answer Jason_V\'s question...i did indeed get that from an old scope. Finally, to answer spaz....i do have a little red led to put into the other eye...again...i just got too damn lazy...i worked on this thing for the past three days and was just ready for it to be done


Custom Hock... - Krazy Ken - 03-28-2006

wow, very original Tommy. I dig it.

Custom Hock... - Cory - 03-28-2006

awesome Tommy...I love it dude! Anything R.E. themed is FANDAMNTASTIC! Especially custom work!
