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How Much Do You Spend On Props, Masks Etc - Printable Version

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How Much Do You Spend On Props, Masks Etc - outlawski - 06-11-2004

i spend around 300 a month hey 2 bloddy how do you get your masks then :blink:

How Much Do You Spend On Props, Masks Etc - dougie - 06-11-2004

Since im only 16 i get to save up my money for a couple of months and then ill spend all of it in about a week.I have been collecting for about 3 years and i got real good collection so i dont really know how much ive spent.I would say 2 months of saving up and selling misc stuff i get to spend about 200-300$ every other month.

How Much Do You Spend On Props, Masks Etc - puckface - 06-11-2004

Yeah, same here. I am only 15 so the $$$ department isnt always that good. But over the past year...I only spent about 500$ or 600$ bucks? lol

How Much Do You Spend On Props, Masks Etc - Bloodyaxe - 06-11-2004

I was just joking outlaw. Honestly in the past year I have spent in the neighborhood of $9000. Since I\'ve started collecting 2yrs ago probably around $12,000. Gotta pay to play Big Grin

How Much Do You Spend On Props, Masks Etc - RCuomo 2.0 - 06-11-2004

Quote:I don\'t spendĀ  money on masks and props Tongue
Paul, I dont wanna know what you do to get masks then Big Grin

Cheers mate

PS-Myself Ive spent prolly in the range of $4000 this year... though have nothing to show for it yet... I ordered everything at the same time... so hopefully stuff will start showing up soon.... then when it does... wait\'ll you guys see my new display set up!!! Moving in with my gf in August/September... and we\'ve already got the set up being built etc for us Wink BIG SUPRISE FOR YOU ALL!!!! Big Grin