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My Weird Voorhees Custom Thingies - Printable Version

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My Weird Voorhees Custom Thingies - Andy - 06-13-2004

Pretty cool Wink

Different but cool.

My Weird Voorhees Custom Thingies - corblimey79 - 06-13-2004

Very cool!! maybe you should convert some rainbow brites and care bears!!! nice idea!
BTW Devilgrl moved to a diff state and she currently has no internet! she will be back Wink

My Weird Voorhees Custom Thingies - FullMoonFever - 06-14-2004

hmm, well Rainbow Brite is scary enough as it is. And Care Bears.. I dunno I don\'t have any.


My Weird Voorhees Custom Thingies - VF31 - 06-14-2004

Tongue i love them, great idea Smile

My Weird Voorhees Custom Thingies - The13thDreamShape - 06-14-2004

niiice!!! Smile

My Weird Voorhees Custom Thingies - UndeadGoalie - 06-14-2004

Umm.........Yeah!!!!!! :blink:

My Weird Voorhees Custom Thingies - IbDaToNeGuY - 06-14-2004

Ya damn skippy Rainbow Bright is scary !!! but what freaked me out more was those robot ice monsters in the movie . It\'s funny , I could watch jason , freddy , myers , bubba when i was 4 years old but that movie and "He-Man w/ Dolph Lundren" Skeletor just did something to me . I dunno , i guess it was just that when your 5 or so you don\'t really see walking talking evil skeletons coming after you . Oh well anyways i do like those hockey-ponys Big Grin


sorry for rambling on about nothing .

My Weird Voorhees Custom Thingies - Bear - 06-14-2004

check these out, are going to be selling them soon ...

My Weird Voorhees Custom Thingies - Bear - 06-14-2004

just another angle....

My Weird Voorhees Custom Thingies - WilliamAbuJannah - 06-14-2004

freaky. what is that for? cabbage patch kid killers?