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My First Mask Sculpt. - Printable Version

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My First Mask Sculpt. - noxious_infestation - 06-13-2004

His mouth is a bit big, and he looks abit like he\'s smiling.
Its still cool and i don\'t mean to sound judgemental , but ya asked what we think. Tongue

My First Mask Sculpt. - moviegoon - 06-14-2004

Thanks for all the suggestions. I agree about the mouth so I changed it. Here are a few more pics with the revised mouth. Please let me know what you think.


My First Mask Sculpt. - moviegoon - 06-14-2004

Here is one more pic. Also does anyone have any recommendations on where the best place to buy the molding and casting supplies from? I usually order from but can\'t seem to find anything there for this kind of project. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


My First Mask Sculpt. - CreepingDead - 06-14-2004

[url=\"\"][/url], [url=\"\"][/url], [url=\"\"][/url]

My First Mask Sculpt. - ssj4freddy - 06-15-2004

Your first sculpture? If so then, wow! That is very good. I am kinda speachless....there goes my heart.

My First Mask Sculpt. - Prime Time - 06-15-2004

dude that kicks major ass

My First Mask Sculpt. - moviegoon - 06-15-2004

This is my first mask sculpture. I have been sculpting 1/6 scale action figure heads for a few years but nothing this large before.

My First Mask Sculpt. - puckface - 06-15-2004

Damn, that actually looks VERY MUCH like the part 1 mask. I see a very good replica comin up. GREAT work man, I love it.

My First Mask Sculpt. - The13thDreamShape - 06-15-2004


thats badass! Smile very accurate to H1. not completely, but very!

My First Mask Sculpt. - Dreamdemon - 06-15-2004

Wow! Great first sculpture.
