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Jason Costume - Predatormv - 06-14-2004

Nice looking costume you got there. I agree do what it is that you are trying to make it look like has been done. You want dirty, bury it, burned, flame it, fish eaten, rub some food on it and drop it in a lake. I like realism.

Jason Costume - Predatormv - 06-14-2004

Zombie, you using NIGHTOWL\'s chest back and hands there? What did you use on the legs ?

Jason Costume - jason8844 - 06-15-2004

dude that figure is based on jgth right? well i had thst fig the Hockey Mask is stuck on by 1 peice of glue run an exacto knife arount the edges of the Hockey Mask and the Hockey Mask comes off and there is a full face of jgth!! its awsome dude

Jason Costume - DrownedGhoul7 - 06-15-2004

Dude, i think you should get a long sleeved regular business shirt and cut it at the elbows (make it look like its been torn) and then some long business pants and tear big holes on the knee,shin,and thigh parts. Afterwards, I think you should get a shotgun and some pistols and shoot the living hell out of the shirt and maybe even the pants to make it look even more realistic like in the movies when he got shot all them times. I hope this helps some. Oh I almost forgot,you might want to get a zombie suit from justin afterwards.

Jason Costume - Dead Hacker - 06-15-2004

Thanks for all of your guys\' tips. I\'ll look into some of them. Drowned Goul7, I won\'t be using Justin\'s zombie suit. All I have is the flesh hack hood from him. I was thinking of being a little original. I will be combining some of the Jasons for this costume. A little bit of JGtH, Part 7, FvsJ, JX, and Part 4. I think that\'s right. :unsure:

Jason Costume - ZombieBloodLust - 06-15-2004

no its a custom made chest piece i made from a plastic skeleton paint and slush latex..... for the legs i just dirtyed them up i did have some lagg\bone things but they did not work out well so.... the costume may be dfor sale very soon so keep your eyes open the arms are latex sleves i made with a "zombie" appliance iunder one of them to show bone and rotted flesh

Jason Costume - DrownedGhoul7 - 06-15-2004

Oh,sorry, I didn\'t meen to say get a zombie suit from justin,i ment to say some other undersuit :unsure: . If i remember what it was i\'ll tell ya.DAMN WHAT WAS IT!!!

Jason Costume - HalloweeN - 06-15-2004

Trioxin makes a pretty cool part 7 suit. Here\'s a pic of me last halloween...

Jason Costume - Lewis Tully - 06-15-2004

I used a Navy Blue Dickies Shirt, and a pair of Black Dickies pants for my movie last year, and I thought our Jason was pretty clean, myself. Also, does that Perma wet stuff damage Latex? I was thinking about throwing it on one of my Freddy Masks. Where can you get it?


Jason Costume - Bear - 06-15-2004

it will not mess up the latex mask and you can it get online at [url=\"\"][/url]