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Doug Goins "dark Wolf" - Printable Version

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Doug Goins "dark Wolf" - WilliamAbuJannah - 08-30-2004

that\'s awesome. I really like the dark hair/paint. Makes the gums and teeth stand out more.

Doug Goins "dark Wolf" - deadhomie - 08-30-2004

I wanna see a pic of the white and dark wolves together Big Grin

Doug Goins "dark Wolf" - FullMoonFever - 08-30-2004

did you get them as display pieces or with the holes cut and all?
BTW it looks fantastic!


Doug Goins "dark Wolf" - Jason-V - 08-30-2004

And one with a little blood and chunks would look sweeeeet.... but not to much blood...

Doug Goins "dark Wolf" - jwolf1277 - 08-31-2004

Impressive... would hate to come across that beast in a dark ally....

Doug Goins "dark Wolf" - GBeninati - 08-31-2004

WARLOCK!! I came up with a great idea for naming your wolves!!

since dark wolf doesn;lt sound too good, and you got both a dark and a white ..

you can call them white wolf and shite wolf :lol: :lol:

Doug Goins "dark Wolf" - JV666 - 08-31-2004

HAHAHA dude that\'s awesome... Anyway... Kick ass piece you got there... I like it ALOT.