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New Piece In The Works *by Killnskin* - Printable Version

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New Piece In The Works *by Killnskin* - TheChosenOne - 10-05-2004

:o :blink: :o AWESOME!!!

New Piece In The Works *by Killnskin* - ChainGrave - 10-05-2004


Oh,sorry my brain actually stopped working I was so in awe of that mask
that looks brill so far Big Grin

New Piece In The Works *by Killnskin* - Jason-V - 10-05-2004

Great job man!

New Piece In The Works *by Killnskin* - WilliamAbuJannah - 10-05-2004

that looks really cool. I still haven\'t seen that movie all the way through

New Piece In The Works *by Killnskin* - ElmStreetProductions - 10-05-2004


New Piece In The Works *by Killnskin* - FullMoonFever - 10-05-2004

very nice, I\'m glad to see someone else making that mask. I\'d love to see it once you\'ve finished it up

New Piece In The Works *by Killnskin* - JasonV123 - 10-06-2004

can\'t wait to see it finished

New Piece In The Works *by Killnskin* - davisbaby - 10-06-2004

nice work, and believe me i\'m not trying to take away from your sculpture, but Neil Goldsmith has already had a killer Frank on Darkside\'s site for like a year or so!
but still good work man!

New Piece In The Works *by Killnskin* - Fredsmidfinger - 10-06-2004

There is one over on the RPF that A guy did it\'s the best one I have seen yet Smile

New Piece In The Works *by Killnskin* - Indica x - 10-06-2004

Everybody get down I\'m taking this thread to Cuba!!!! <_<

Way to hijack Andy\'s thread guys, and BTW the frank from darkside is no longer available and most likely never will be again.