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Saw - deadhomie - 10-30-2004

Yea, I saw this film last night and I loved it. Definitely a "Seven-esque" movie with bits of gore.

Saw - englundisgod - 10-30-2004

awesome movie somewhat se7en-esque feel to it i wont give anything away (i have i tendency to do that) but if i learned anything nevergo near razor or barbed wire Wink

Saw - Sawman - 10-30-2004

The doc cut his own foot off! and he was not a good actor at all !!!!!

Saw - WilliamAbuJannah - 10-30-2004

dude, wtf? do you not understand the concept of \'not\' giving things away for the people who haven\'t seen the movie yet??

anyway. Saw it today, it was a great movie. Definetely reminded me of se7en.