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New Holy Grail Piece - The Splash Head - Printable Version

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New Holy Grail Piece - The Splash Head - dougie - 04-02-2011

Awesome score!! Congrats man...I just watched T2 last night, It never gets old!

New Holy Grail Piece - The Splash Head - adam - 04-02-2011

Congratulations Ryan, I know how pumped you must be. Hope you and Adriene are doing well.

New Holy Grail Piece - The Splash Head - The Death Curse - 04-02-2011

Thanks, everyone. I love this crappy thing so much. Smile It needs a LOT of repair work, though...It's paper thin in some spots and will barely support its own weight. When standing up straight, the bottom edges bow outward a bit... Confusedad:

IbDaToNeGuY and Jason: Nope! No paint, no trim. That is, no trim if I can help it.

Dougie: Agreed. T2 never gets old. I love the FX work soooo much. It's easily one of my top three favorite films ever made, and the T-1000 is one of my favorite film villains. I want to own more props from the film eventually, though I never developed the fondness that other fans have for Arnie.

Adam: HEY YOU! :woot: Thanks for the reply, dude! I haven't spoken with you in ages. Yeah, Adriane and I are all right. She's still allowing me to collect this stupid !@#$, so you know I love her! :laugh: I hope you and your wife (belated CONGRATS, by the way) are getting along well, too. Hit me up on AIM sometime when you see me online!!



New Holy Grail Piece - The Splash Head - bornoffire - 04-02-2011

Glad it arrived in one piece. Its a masterpiece!

New Holy Grail Piece - The Splash Head - shapeshifter1995 - 04-06-2011

man now that is cool as hell, awesome piece.
cannot wait to see how this turns out

New Holy Grail Piece - The Splash Head - puckface - 04-06-2011

good for you, ryan! good for you...

New Holy Grail Piece - The Splash Head - b47 - 04-06-2011

Seriously an AMAZING piece. Sweet as hell!

Congrats big time! :thumbsup:

New Holy Grail Piece - The Splash Head - MPN212 - 04-06-2011

Congrats on the score man! That is an awesome piece for sure.

New Holy Grail Piece - The Splash Head - DVS - 04-06-2011

Thats an awesome piece!!!!!!!!!!!!! :biggrin:

New Holy Grail Piece - The Splash Head - The Death Curse - 04-06-2011

(04-06-2011, 03:07 AM)puckface link Wrote: good for you, ryan! good for you...

What is THAT supposed to mean? 'Sounds like you're annoyed by the whole thread. I certainly hope I am misinterpreting your response. :tongue:

Anyway, thanks for the comments, everyone! After I posted this, I quickly became aware that the quality of this resin is AWFUL. For starters, I've never seen a plastic/resin piece this badly sunburned in my years of collecting. It's beginning to flake apart in certain areas. Another problem is that many spots are paper thin...It's mind-boggling to think that this bust has somehow survived two overseas trips and a 30+ day hold/examination in US Customs with only two small chips on the bottom edge.

I'm SO scared of it shattering that I just bought eight pounds of Ave's Apoxy Putty to thicken the inner walls and sculpt a new base on it...The shoulders and chest are so thin that it can barely hold the weight of the neck and head without buckling, and there are stress fractures all over the bottom edge. It's currently being stored upside down until it can be thickened and repaired all over. Confusedad: Wish me luck!!

