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Any Customers Of Rbr, Please Read, Important - Printable Version

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Any Customers Of Rbr, Please Read, Important - Mutilated - 12-21-2004

I know how you feel man.2004 has ben the WORST year of my life.I really hope 2005 is better for me and definatly you man.

Any Customers Of Rbr, Please Read, Important - SPAZ - 12-21-2004

hey did you get my PM????

Any Customers Of Rbr, Please Read, Important - WilliamAbuJannah - 12-21-2004

replied to. Tongue

talk to ya\'ll later, I g2g find somewhere to rest my head.

peace ya\'ll, merry christmas and all that stuff.

See ya \'round.


Any Customers Of Rbr, Please Read, Important - The13thDreamShape - 12-21-2004

sucks ass man. merry Christmas, i hope things go for the best

Any Customers Of Rbr, Please Read, Important - Mick7 - 12-21-2004

Quote:wanna hear what really pisses me off? the person who I was renting from thought all my horror stuff was SOOOO cool,...until November 1st. Then he said Halloweens over and I must be a, "sick" person to be so "into" this stuff. And was summuraily asked to leave.
ah man what a feckin arsehole! I hate people like that

Any Customers Of Rbr, Please Read, Important - fright-rags - 12-21-2004

Take care of yourself Bill and we\'ll keep the light on for you here Smile
Seriously, I hope you find a place soon and that everything works out for you.

Any Customers Of Rbr, Please Read, Important - gmyers - 12-21-2004

Take care bill! We\'ll miss you, and try not to be a stanger on here!

Any Customers Of Rbr, Please Read, Important - SlasherHouse - 12-21-2004

Best of luck Bill. Check your PM and let me know if I can help.

Any Customers Of Rbr, Please Read, Important - DEATH - 12-21-2004

Totally the wrong time of year for that situation to pop up. Here\'s hoping you can get it all worked out soon Bill. Good luck man.

Any Customers Of Rbr, Please Read, Important - travsall - 12-21-2004

Jeeze Bill, that\'s terrible man. I really hope you can get somethin figured out soon buddy. You got my best and warmest wishes and thoughts headed your way. And if any god damn person is angry they can\'t get their glove as soon as they wanted it, I will personally kick the shit out of them, and ban their ass from the board.

You take care Bill, I hate to hear stuff like this keeps hapening to you.