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Friday The 13th The Final Chapter Stunt Mask - Printable Version

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Friday The 13th The Final Chapter Stunt Mask - tcm - 03-14-2005

Quote:This isn\'t the first time I\'ve read \'how Savini treats his molds\'

what exactly does he do? just toss em in a corner or something?
No, worse. . . I\'ve heard he uses whips :ph34r:

Friday The 13th The Final Chapter Stunt Mask - CreepingDead - 03-14-2005

Well, this would explain the emails I\'m suddenly getting. LOL!

The "stuntmask" I have is a recast of the original (though David Lady says it\'s from Savini\'s mold). The other ones you see are smaller recasts that were either made off the one I have before I got it, or made off one that came from the same mold as mine. Either way, I got the biggest one there is (Masks people! Masks!).

Friday The 13th The Final Chapter Stunt Mask - Dahone - 03-14-2005

Elfudge: Are you the same Elfudge from NYC?

Friday The 13th The Final Chapter Stunt Mask - gmyers - 03-14-2005

Actually I was talking with Savinin a couple months ago in person when I met him at a convention. We had a good hour chat and everything and anything. I brought up his masks too. He said he only makes a few of his masks because of the that\'s put into them and he barely has any time. He also told me that, please don\'t contact him about this, he may be doing another pt. 4 scuplt in the future to sell.

Friday The 13th The Final Chapter Stunt Mask - elfudge - 03-14-2005

NYC Fudge? Nope that\'s not me. I\'m Oklahoma Fudge. Smile

Creeping Dead, do you have before shots of your mask before you repainted it? Who or how did you get it and at what price?

That\'s great piece, how much do you think it would go for if you were EVER going to sell it? I wish I had a \'BIG\' one, hell for that matter, a \'SMALL\' one. :blink: Big Grin :o :wink:

Friday The 13th The Final Chapter Stunt Mask - CreepingDead - 03-14-2005

I doubt you\'ll see Savini doing a part4 mask. I\'m not saying he didn\'t have one planned, but I doubt it\'s still in the works. Not going to go into why, just don\'t hold your breath.

I\'ve got pics somewhere of the stuntmask before I repainted it, but if you can\'t wait for me to find them and have Dr Lady\'s mask book, the exact copy of the mask I have is on page 172. It\'s the copy David Lady used to own Smile

I got it off ebay a few years back. If I\'m not mistaken, I was the only bidder and got it for like $175. Maybe $150... no... that was my screen used Halloween III Witch.... hmmmmm.... We\'ll say $175. Whatever it was, it was under $200 and I considered it a steal at that price.
If I were ever going to sell it, there\'s already a line of people that want it, so just put my copy out of your mind. LOL!