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My Weird Voorhees Custom Thingies - Printable Version

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My Weird Voorhees Custom Thingies - Bear - 06-14-2004

sure, or any other freaky ass doll you can think of.

just another collector type thingy I suppose.

My Weird Voorhees Custom Thingies - ZombieBloodLust - 06-14-2004

still don\'t get the whole my little pony thing but, nice.

My Weird Voorhees Custom Thingies - FullMoonFever - 06-14-2004

its just something to do with the baity ones other than throw them out.

My Weird Voorhees Custom Thingies - BioHazard - 06-15-2004

aw that mini jason mask reminds me of a turtle shell