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Jason Costume - Printable Version

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Jason Costume - Lewis Tully - 06-15-2004



Jason Costume - DrownedGhoul7 - 06-15-2004

Hey Jason7,that guy with the vampire mask on with the dark blue jumpsuit (the 4th guy from the left), I got the same mask.Except I got mine from Disney Land when I was 4 or 5 years old?

Jason Costume - HalloweeN - 06-15-2004

O, that is my dad. I really like that mask but, they are kinda junky because they fall apart within a years time.

Jon N.

Jason Costume - JBUNGIE - 06-16-2004

Here\'s a shot..Dickies shirt and pants torn up and covered with perma wet. NIGHTOWL chest and back, trioxin knees and arms.