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White Wolf W/ Hands - Printable Version

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White Wolf W/ Hands - Cory - 08-18-2004

That\'s beautiful man...very nice piece for the ol\' collection!


White Wolf W/ Hands - FullMoonFever - 08-18-2004

i don\'t blame you.. (stares at the pretty wolf) (oh get your butt on AIM I would like to talk to you about that wolf anyway)

White Wolf W/ Hands - WarLocK - 08-18-2004

My AIM name is sirchadwick1, hit me up sometime.

White Wolf W/ Hands - GBeninati - 08-18-2004

i need those hands

White Wolf W/ Hands - WarLocK - 08-18-2004


Its not too late to get them...... i wouldn\'t imagine. It really sets off the display!

White Wolf W/ Hands - FullMoonFever - 08-18-2004

thank you so very much for Goins\' email. I asked him nicely if he\'d upgrade or rather fix my wolf. He agreed. WAHOOO! So for a price (its a bit much, but its worth it) I am getting a completely redone wolf. It should look a bit like Warlocks, only with blue catarac eyes.


White Wolf W/ Hands - WilliamAbuJannah - 08-18-2004

blue eyes? that\'ll be cool to see.

that white wolf w/ hands is amazing. I like the way the mouth and gums/teeth look wet.

White Wolf W/ Hands - FullMoonFever - 08-18-2004

i believe they used something called permawet for the nose and teeth and eyes. Thats how mine are. It does crack after the years.

White Wolf W/ Hands - GBeninati - 08-31-2004

warlock dude
do those hands have hands on the bottom too?
..or just the tops of the arms?????