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Movie Mold Tarman - Printable Version

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Movie Mold Tarman - Mutilated - 04-17-2009

Welcome to the forum Todd, you do some great work man. You ever finish that Hallowman?

Movie Mold Tarman - zomBcom - 04-17-2009

Hey guys...sorry for the late reply,got a new compressor yesterday,been painting ever since,my eyes are shot..Anyway on the questions...All American Massacre--- Wow what a long story...heres the short version.Believe it or not we started shooting that flick back in 98'!!!.Ive done all my stuff except the voice over stuff.All Im gonna say about why it has taken this long is Tony Hooper is very ecentric.He has flip flopped back and forth on wether or not hes gonna finish it.I rarely talk with Tony or Tobe,I couldnt tell you whats gonna happen,Ive heard from Tony about a dvd release in small quantities,and t shirts etc.But I hope it does get finished,I had so much fun on that film,I was all over the place,I did most of the make up effects,I was both Chop top(pre plate) and the hitchhiker,as they were twins in the chainsaw storyline.The reason why chop top wasnt in the first film was cause he was getting the head wound in nam.I actually had to fight myself!.The highlight of course was re creating the chop top make up for bill but an older chop top,the plate was more exposed etc.Alot of fun,and I made some good connections with the Texas Troop.My dream in life was to be on a t-shirt If anything, I hope that gets Hallowman mask.... Well...I really have no excuse on why its not done yet,I guess cause I got frustrated with the old chavaunt clay I used,It cracked alot.It started as a press in the first place and that takes the elasticity out of any oil based clay over time.Im gonna have to do a quick alginate mold of the sculpture and then press it again only with nsp medium.should I post pics of it?,Im not sure if I have any on this computer,Or I think you do Kyle,feel free to post the pics if you want,Ill look for mine in the meantime.See ya..Todd

Movie Mold Tarman - Mutilated - 04-17-2009

Here's the pics I have.<img src=\"\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" /><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" />

Movie Mold Tarman - zomBcom - 04-17-2009

Cool thanks Kyle..... T

Movie Mold Tarman - myers04 - 04-17-2009

hey todd its tommy .hows it going man? i have not talked to you in the tarman.gimme a shout to catch up man..tommy

Movie Mold Tarman - zomBcom - 04-18-2009

Hey Tommy! how you been?,Im still enjoying my 6.Give me a call sometime,Todd

Movie Mold Tarman - myers04 - 04-18-2009

hey dude pm your ## i got a new phone and lost all my ##s...tommy