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How Many Masks Do You Have? - Printable Version

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How Many Masks Do You Have? - SPAZ - 04-04-2005

Quote:I think Paul was right at the beginning.  Quantity does not mean a thing.  With about 10 of the pieces I have, I could of spent that money on about 50 masks from Death studios...and probably 200 masks that are cheap mass produced...

In the end it\'s quality over quantity.  Only reason I buy masks that aren\'t high end is when i\'m buying them for nostalgic purposes or if they\'re an old worn down movie prop....

Also, everyones idea of high end is different too. Not saying that Death Studios masks aren\'t amazing...but they\'re not high end display pieces.  High end in my opinion is reserved for works from professional artists (ie; Jordu Schell, Casey Love, Jon Fuller, Conor M, Lee Romaire, Russ Lukick, Arturo, Alvarez, or anyone else that is basically at that level.  Just those pieces in a collection that have amazing depth to the paintjobs and denote a sense of realism)...

All my opinion of course
it was all in fun
I have good masks and I have not so good masks
I\'m a collector I collect Horror stuff and just cuz I dont have any pieces by the names you listed does that make me not a collector or just a "REAL" collector
this isnt a whos got better masks topic
it was a real simple question
just wondering how many ppl have
not how many "HIGH END PIECES"
I dont care if you only have one Love piece or 100 Rubies masks
not trying to sound like a dong or anything
your still cool Dan hope this doesnt rub ya the wrong way

How Many Masks Do You Have? - SuperDanDrista - 04-04-2005

I hear ya....a friend of mine James Lurgio has an AMAZING collection of over 200 masks. I find that amazing simply for the fact that masks take up a lot of space and where the hell does he put them all? LOL....

I understand the thread though and wasn\'t trying to sound like I was putting it down ...I participated in it too! ;-)

How Many Masks Do You Have? - DiedLaughing - 04-04-2005

Right now I have 12 Masks, 5 hockey masks, & 1 Freddy Glove!
I also have another mask being re-painted (Kidnapper)
and a FROM HELL on the way! B)
Just got a Don Post Studio\'s Darth Vader helmet today!!!

How Many Masks Do You Have? - myers-san - 04-04-2005

I have 2 latex peices and mostly Hockey Mask\'s..with more Hockey Mask\'s on the way from Jason 7 and Mike...oh, and wtih those i would say about 18 all together plus 4 latex peices from NIGHTOWL so 22.


How Many Masks Do You Have? - SPAZ - 04-04-2005

Quote:I hear ya....a friend of mine James Lurgio has an AMAZING collection  of over 200 masks.  I find that amazing simply for the fact that masks take up a lot of space and where the hell does he put them all?  LOL....

I understand the thread though and wasn\'t trying to sound like I was putting it down ...I participated in it too! ;-)
yeah they make razor masks and I could get them if I wanted to
and I see stuff from these guy that I love but where would it go
I mostly collect J, Fred, Myers stuff I just get what I like
and masks do take up alot of room I\'m starting to line masks on the floor, dont worry I keep my collection room clean(prob the cleanest room in the house) :ph34r:

How Many Masks Do You Have? - kirk myers - 04-04-2005

8....and 2 coming

How Many Masks Do You Have? - antboy - 04-04-2005

around 30, mostly packed up right now,,,,whitch makes me sad......

How Many Masks Do You Have? - Pugsly - 04-04-2005

I just buy what i like i really dont care who makes it ,i own aroun 35 latex mask from various people and around 10 hockey masks.I buy what i like thats what this hobby is all about to me, if i dont own mask from certain people or if someones mask arent better than this persons it really doesnt matter to me, as long as i am happy with my collection Im cool, if that makes me a NON Bigtime serious collecter im cool with that Smile .Alot of people make this hobby a pissing contest sometimes and I think it ruins the hobby, Some people have to have there mask better than others or have more and there are some in this mask collecting community(not saying any names or intended at anyone in perticuler) that get the im better than you attitude toward alot of other collecters cause they have more or there masks ar better.Who cares really how many mask people have , as long as they are having fun collecting what they want.sorry had to vent a lil bit.

How Many Masks Do You Have? - VF31 - 04-04-2005

the hells a mask? :blink:

How Many Masks Do You Have? - SuperDanDrista - 04-04-2005

Pugsly..I didn\'t mean to come off like that. I just meant that quantity doesn\'t mean anything. It\'s all in the masks that counts