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For Those That Have Seen It.... - Printable Version

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For Those That Have Seen It.... - puckface - 06-19-2005

[Image: steve_buscemi1.jpg]


For Those That Have Seen It.... - IbDaToNeGuY - 06-19-2005

he would be awesome as the new k=joker but then i know he\'s already played a villan in one of them but jim carrey wouldn\'t be a bad joker either . i mean he can change his face so easy and that chuckle he does in ace ventura sounds like the voice box at the end of the 89 batman when jack got killed .


For Those That Have Seen It.... - Hauntmaster9 - 06-19-2005

I\'d like to see Bushemi

For Those That Have Seen It.... - krazedkilla - 06-19-2005

Yea i can see glover as being joker and busemi being his main henchman, like the other guy in batman, but either way its gonna be hard to top jack nicholson


For Those That Have Seen It.... - mike - 06-19-2005

jim carrey is a bafoon he ruined the riddler the joker isnt funny as in haha he has a sick sense of humor to were if he kills someone he would make a funny remark almost freddish i personally think denis leary should be the new joker i mean think of him mean as hel but a smart ass with funny crude remarks

For Those That Have Seen It.... - goaliehack - 06-19-2005

Disregard, but still don\'t fuck with batman \'89.

For Those That Have Seen It.... - Sinister - 06-19-2005

Actually Hack, it\'s not. It has been confirmed that this is the restart of the entire series, almost like an alternate universe where the other films didnt exist.

I can find proof for you if needed.

For Those That Have Seen It.... - mike - 06-20-2005

he is right bale has signed to do 3 more at least...the other ones was shot to hell in 3 and 4 so instead of fixing it they started over with millers version..and if it was a prequel then why did soem bum kill his parents rather than jack napier in 89 batman.face it i grew up with batman and batman returns loved them then the others came out and i was very pissed as to what they were doing i still havent watched batman and robin for the simple fact its like makign myers do a sqaure dance..lets hope they dont ruin this series

For Those That Have Seen It.... - Ben_Forsaken - 06-20-2005

I love Batman but always thought the \'other\' batman movies sucked. Mr.Mom/Beetlejuice as Batman? Batman with nipples? Arnold S and Jim Carrey? Ugh, awful awful awful. The car was cool though. I\'m really glad they\'re making new Batman movies and making him scary and violent and sorta psycho, the way Batman is supposed to be. As for Jokers? This has always been one of my fav Joker pics.

[Image: killing_joke_poster2.jpg]

and I\'d LOVE to see a cool Joker mask made by you Mark. Good Luck, can\'t wait to see it.

For Those That Have Seen It.... - puckface - 06-20-2005

Quote:[Image: dclogo8ce.gif]
Little but there ya go?  Smile

where did you get that????

and just found this, if youve seen Batman Dead End (absolute kick ass film) you know this face..