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Wow! Best Fight I've Ever Seen - krazedkilla - 05-08-2005

Oright enough of this B.S. Boxing has been alot longer then the UFC so I am going to give boxing the kudos, and alot of people do like the UFC for stupid reasons. I know that I am not one of those idiots that just watch it to see some1 get the shyt kicked out of them, no. I watch it cause I like the competition and you really can\'t say anything about a boxer destroying a ufc/mma fighter because we don\'t know shit. How many fights has there been where people talked alot of crap saying that they are going to win and they get their a$$es beat. Bottom line is we dont know. You don\'t know anything for sure because a UFC person could get that one hit and if it\'s well placed the boxer could go down and the same goes for the boxer fighting a UFC?MMA fighter. Bottom line UFC and boxing are two different things, and a boxer is good at what he does and a mma fighter is good at what he does and its not a hump fest. If your in a fight with a person that hits like a brick your not going to stand up with him, your going to go for a submission or ground n pound. I love boxing and I love the UFC

p.s. i don\'t want this to become an argument so keep it cool folks.

Wow! Best Fight I've Ever Seen - SuperDanDrista - 05-08-2005

If I can chime in with my opinion on this..

I\'m a boxing fan and UFC fan....In my opinion the UFC fighters are the absolute best in the world. There is no way a boxer, unless trained, will be able to protect himself when taken down. Granted if a boxer stays on their feet than they have a punchers chance....

Please don\'t forget that UFC fighters are highly trained fighters. They\'re not just some average meat heads fighting in a ring....

Most are former all american wrestlers.....

Lets not even get into the fact that the heavyweight division in boxing today SUCKS!

Wow! Best Fight I've Ever Seen - krazedkilla - 05-08-2005

Quote:If I can chime in with my opinion on this..

I\'m a boxing fan and UFC fan....In my opinion the UFC fighters are the absolute best in the world.  There is no way a boxer, unless trained, will be able to protect himself when taken down.  Granted if a boxer stays on their feet than they have a punchers chance....

Thank you for laying it down, that is what I have been trying to say.. Everyone is basically comparing a UFC fighter to fighting a boxer in the ocatagon with ufc rules. Forget the rules put them in a ring anything goes, and imo the mma fighter would win cause he is skilled on a ground.

Wow! Best Fight I've Ever Seen - SuperDanDrista - 05-08-2005

Just in my own experience....I was a wrestler for 6 years and ranked high in New England in my Junior and Senior year...

This is a vague example.....but I have friends that are pretty good fighters and like to throw a punch. I personally am not into fighting....

But if a buddy of mine tries to wrestle around with me I have the ability to end it in about 10 seconds because they\'re terrible on the ground. THat is a huge advantage from that perspective.

Do I think a boxer could hang in the UFC? Of course! But they\'re going to have to get the necessary training in order to work different situations

Wow! Best Fight I've Ever Seen - krazedkilla - 05-08-2005

Yes granted that I think in the UFC the fighters have to adjust to so many things because there are so many different styles of fighting in the UFC.

Wow! Best Fight I've Ever Seen - SuperDanDrista - 05-08-2005

Quote:I\'m so disappointed in all of you.  This new generation of kids has no concept of what a true gladiator is, and insists upon ushering in an era of pussies--the UFC is nothing if not a handful of over-the-top moves, and useless, visceral (seeming) action;  there\'s no heart or true grit.  Just a bunch of over-confiedent idiots slavering over there unfit oponents and themselves. 

I know you all think UFC is a tougher, more kick-ass sport than, say, boxing, but I assure you that notion is farther from the truth than you\'ll ever know.  And I especially want to point out that most, if not ALL, of the people who think otherwise have almost certainly never stepped into a ring or an arena themselves.  And any fight they might claim to have been in wasn\'t a true fight: it was probably a bunch of wussy kids trying to inflict themselves on each other withoug knowing why or how, with miserable results that everyone lied to themselves about after the fact.

Fucking kids...

Alright who the hell do you think you are?

Wow! Best Fight I've Ever Seen - krazedkilla - 05-08-2005

It\'s best not even read that or even think about it.

Wow! Best Fight I've Ever Seen - WarLocK - 05-08-2005

With all that said, lets get back to the fight. Are any of you disappointed with the way the ref handled it? Do you feel as though he gave more chances to Corrales, while not giving a chance to Castillo? I mean Corrales gets manhandled in the 10th and goes down twice. But as soon as good ol\' Jose is up against the ropes and his eyes roll back into his head the ref steps end and calls it. This fight is not only one of the best in history, it is also one of the most controversial. Many even say there will not be a rematch due to the fact that Diego\'s trainers would not want him to edure that same punishment again. Your thoughts on this???

Wow! Best Fight I've Ever Seen - Hauntmaster9 - 05-08-2005

Quote:Alright who the hell do you think you are?

Exactly, this guy needs to get over himself.

Wow! Best Fight I've Ever Seen - SuperDanDrista - 05-08-2005

I got home late last night and caught the fight at the 7th round....I couldn\'t believe the ending