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Nightowl Fan Art Thread - Printable Version

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Nightowl Fan Art Thread - Crash - 02-24-2007

I\'ll try to get some more up soon. Maybe some original stuff too.

Nightowl Fan Art Thread - J.W. - 02-25-2007

That last pic is awesome...very creepy looking. Great Work bro!

Nightowl Fan Art Thread - Savage - 02-26-2007

Holy Shit Crash!! That looks absolutely amazing!!!! I hope i can get a print of it when its done!!!!!!!

Nightowl Fan Art Thread - Bear - 03-03-2007

Quote:This is a final rough for a  commissioned piece from a board member...

I still love this one Colin!! :thumbsup:
[url=\"\"]Here it is[/url]

Nightowl Fan Art Thread - Crash - 03-03-2007

Yeah, Bear . . . that\'s one of my favorite Colin pieces too. I really dig Colin\'s style. I kinda envy it actually. I wonder if other artists feel the same about their peers\' work. I look at some of Colin\'s work and think "man, I wish I could get some of my stuff to look like that."

Nightowl Fan Art Thread - Bear - 03-03-2007

dude, you rock without a doubt as well, I just favor this one because I\'m in the middle. But I\'ll ALWAYS have yours permanently with me!! :wub:

Nightowl Fan Art Thread - Crash - 03-03-2007

Hey . . . I didn\'t realize that was you! Sweet!! Thanks for the comps and yeah . . . I guess you\'re stuck with some of my stuff. LOL!!

Nightowl Fan Art Thread - pluto - 03-04-2007

Quote:heres a sketch i did this morning around 3 am.....with only my comp lighting my havent drawn on paper in so long...drawing on the comps taken over my gonna try to do more pencil and paper though...sorry for the crappy pic, i dont have a scanner.

Steve, why would you draw my moms face??? JK looks great.

Nightowl Fan Art Thread - Willowman - 03-04-2007

Not bad at all for not having any light, Steve. Looks good.

Nightowl Fan Art Thread - VF 31 - 03-04-2007

Smile thankya thankya