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Superman Returns - sidewinder420 - 03-26-2006

Went and seen V For Vendetta tonight and one of the previews before the film happen to be Superman Returns. I remember growing up to the originals with Chris Reeve. After seeing the preview, I had a lot of mixed feeling about it. But, I think I\'ll have to see it. I watched the first one a couple years back and wondered how it would have turned out if it had been made today. Guess I shall wonder no more.
Any thoughts..?



Superman Returns - mayney - 03-26-2006

I saw the same trailer when I went to see Vendetta...
I truly miss Christopher was an inspiration, not only because of the active role he took as a paralegic fighting for stem cell advancement, but as a wonderful actor to watch. Somewhere in Time, is still one of my favourite films....based on the book by Richard Matheson...I highyl recommend both.
I think part of the reason we both felt twinges, was due to the original Superman theme played during the preview...

Superman Returns - sidewinder420 - 03-26-2006

Oh the theme!! Gave me goose bumps, man. Wait. . . did I just say that out loud? :whistling:

It was nice to hear it on the big screen tho. It made me want to go buy the first 2 and watch them. Maybe the third as well.

Superman Returns - frosty - 03-26-2006

Yeah i loved those films, he was a great guy,i hope they do a good job with it, be a shame if they messed it up

Superman Returns - krazedkilla - 03-26-2006

Funny thing I just seen V for Vendetta tonight as well. Not as bad as I thought it would be, I actually enjoyed the movie very much! Seeing the Superman trailer almost put a tear to my eye. Christopher Reeve is a inspiration to me and always will be. A great actor and a real shame to see him pass as well as his wife Confusedad: I sure do hope this movie is good.

Superman Returns - Andy - 03-26-2006

There will only ever be one Superman.

Damn Hollywood and all it\'s re-makes and cash-in\'s, damn them to hell!

Superman Returns - kjek1 - 03-26-2006

Cant wait for Superman Returns!

Its mission impossible for Brandon Routh though as far as filling Christopher Reeve\'s boots go. Reeve was 100% perfect for superman, they\'ll never find another one like him, great guy too, sadly missed.

I still think Returns will be great, I must admitt I didnt think the teaser was all that great, it was good to hear that music again though, and apparently they will use the main theme in the film.

Dont know if any of you know this, but later this year theyre releasing a 14 disc superman box set. It will contain Richard Donners cut of Superman 2, making quite a bit different, for starters, it will include marlon brando, for the scene where he gives superman his powers back. Its gonna be great

Superman Returns - sidewinder420 - 03-26-2006

That\'s going to be an awesome set right there. can\'t wait for them to put it all together and release it.. :thumbsup:

Superman Returns - sidewinder420 - 03-26-2006

Quote:There will only ever be one Superman.

Damn Hollywood and all it\'s re-makes and cash-in\'s, damn them to hell!

I went to the official site, and found that it\'s NOT a remake, which actually comforts me to know they WILL NOT be RE making Chris reeves work. I think they WAY knew better NOT to do such a foolish thing..
Now, the preview has scenes in it to make you THINK it is:

"Following a mysterious absence of several years, the Man of Steel comes back to Earth in the epic action-adventure Superman Returns, a soaring new chapter in the saga of one of the world\'s most beloved superheroes. While an old enemy plots to render him powerless once and for all, Superman faces the heartbreaking realization that the woman he loves, Lois Lane, has moved on with her life. Or has she? Superman\'s bittersweet return challenges him to bridge the distance between them while finding a place in a society that has learned to survive without him. In an attempt to protect the world he loves from cataclysmic destruction, Superman embarks on an epic journey of redemption that takes him from the depths of the ocean to the far reaches of outer space."

Superman Returns - TallDarkandDisfigured - 03-26-2006

I thought the idea was to place this movie between 1 and 2? But I could be wrong. I\'m just having a hard time seeing Superman without Reeve, but from a few still shots I saw, Routh has a great likeness to him..