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Project 75 " Rebirth " - Printable Version

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Project 75 " Rebirth " - D-bach - 03-27-2006

Got this from Andrew at Jackintheboxmasks, he tells me i can do with it what ever i want, including making some up and selling them, so i guess ill give it a try. maybe an all Kirk one, all myers one and a half and half one. anybody interested ?
they\'ll have sweet paint jobs real glue marks and nice hair jobs.

[Image: HPIM0333.jpg][Image: HPIM0335.jpg][Image: HPIM0334.jpg]

Project 75 " Rebirth " - Jason - 03-27-2006


wow, have to keep that in mind

Project 75 " Rebirth " - SuperDanDrista - 03-27-2006

that\'s pretty cool. Rob Hall of almost human sculpted that right? I remember when this came out

Project 75 " Rebirth " - D-bach - 03-27-2006

yep i believe Rob did the scuplt. but the mask that came out were really bad IMO, and its really a mean looking sculpture and i think with the right paint and hair line, this could really make a cool mask.

Project 75 " Rebirth " - FinalOmega - 03-27-2006

I\'m very interested in a blank dude!!!!

Project 75 " Rebirth " - Mutilated - 03-27-2006

Yeah, i\'d be interested in a blank.

Project 75 " Rebirth " - goaliehack - 03-27-2006

Would be cool to see some kirks done up.

Project 75 " Rebirth " - D-bach - 03-28-2006

if you want blanks you\'ll get blanks thats alot easier for me to do.

Project 75 " Rebirth " - Last_of_the_Brunnen-G - 03-28-2006

Pretty cool there. Depending on the size of the mask and the price, I might be interested.

Project 75 " Rebirth " - IbDaToNeGuY - 03-28-2006

yeah , if you could please include a price on blanks and finished ones that would help out so much . also maybe give some measurements so people can know weither to expect a mask or display .
