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Im Back. - Barzo 19 - 06-11-2006

Hey guys, most of you all might not remember me but I was just wanting to say that it feels great to be back here!!! The reason why I have been gone for about 4 months is because back in February, I was in a serious car/dirtbike accident. What happend was that I was ridin my dirtbike down to this lake near my dads house and right before I got there, there was a couple of high school seniors driving around in a 77 trans am, and I meen they were haulin hiney. But to get to the lake, you have to go through a (what I like to call) dirtroad intersection. So there I am goin about 50 mph while the seniors are goin around 55 or 60 mph, when out of the corner of my eye I see a black dash (since it was goin so fast) then BAM!! I hit the right front side of the car, thrown off my dirtbike, over the hood of the car, and I hit a tree with my right collar bone. I then woke up 2 days later in the hospital to find a had a broken ankle, 2 fractured shins, 3 broken ribs, a broken arm, fractured collar bone, and a major concusion. They let me go home a month and a half later. But I have been in physical therapy most of the time since then. I post some pics of what I looked like when I got home and when I was in the hospital.

see ya,

Im Back. - myers413 - 06-11-2006

welcome man nice to see you here amoung us :thumbsup:

Im Back. - JOEY - 06-11-2006

Holy crap man... sounds like you are lucky to be alive. Thank goodness for you that you survived.

Good luck on the recovery... I know it\'s been a few months, but keep strong.

Im Back. - Barzo 19 - 06-11-2006

Yeah man, really lucky... the doc said that if I had been thrown about an inch or 2 more to the right then I would have been dead but...thank God it wasnt my time to go.

Im Back. - Willowman - 06-11-2006

I ride a motorcycle myself and though I haven\'t taken a fall yet I can kinda feel your pain, man. Lucky you didn\'t get it any worse.

Im Back. - Barzo 19 - 06-11-2006

And the thing that really suckles is that I am only 16 and if I had been killed, I would have been the 9th teen to have been killed in an automobile accident in my county. That would have sucked real by for me. plus, does anyone have any teeth for a nfx drowned ghoul? I need some for the mask that I just bought off of ebay.

Im Back. - josephchoi - 06-11-2006

lol don\'t manipulate people into giving u stuff just cuz ur hurt Tongue

lol anyways that\'s gotta suck man. being in an accident that is

Im Back. - Barzo 19 - 06-11-2006

nah , I dont want people givin me stuff just cause im hurt. i\'ll buy the teeth from someone with a money order... if anyone has any. this morning I walked into my bathroom and slipped on a little puddle of water where my faucet had leaked from the bottom last night. and I fractured the arm that I broke and the thing is that my arm just got finished healing up about 3 weeks ago. this really suckles man.

Im Back. - josephchoi - 06-11-2006

i know. i was just joking lol.

man u are cursed or something lol. that really suckles