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Walking Home Scene Pictures! Lots O Pics - Printable Version

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Walking Home Scene Pictures! Lots O Pics - MichaelRRhoads1982 - 06-14-2006

Hey guys i was going out for a run today and i saw some places that resembled the Walking Home Scene from I ran home...grabbed my KM, camera, and my brother LOL...So I present to you the Walking Home Scene Photos....(Or at least it resembles the W.H.S.) :lol:

my little 9 year old brother took the ones of me next to the bush he did the best he could LOL



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Walking Home Scene Pictures! Lots O Pics - MichaelRRhoads1982 - 06-14-2006

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Sorry I didnt have my coveralls on me least i had on my good T-Shirt LOL

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Walking Home Scene Pictures! Lots O Pics - MichaelRRhoads1982 - 06-14-2006

Here are some pics i took cuz...i was board LOL

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