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Fvsj Machete Repaint - Printable Version

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Fvsj Machete Repaint - Eddie - 06-12-2004

Hey guys, I was bored so I thought I\'d throw out some brand new pics of my FvsJ machete. It\'s being somewhat re-done, and mostly repainted, based more so on 2bloody\'s Super Slasher because I particularly liked the way the black was painted onto his blade.

NOTE: The flash makes the machete appear to have a slight goldish tint, but it is silver in person.

Fvsj Machete Repaint - Eddie - 06-12-2004


Fvsj Machete Repaint - Eddie - 06-12-2004


Fvsj Machete Repaint - Eddie - 06-12-2004

Last one.
