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Mark! - Lewis Tully - 06-14-2004

Have you casted/painted that Freddy you were working on? If so, let\'s see some pics. Let us know, that thing kicked arse so hard they felt it in the medieval days. LATER!!!!


Mark! - puckface - 06-14-2004

Not usre if these are what you meant, but this new mask kicks ass. It is his best yet IMO.

[Image: mg4.jpg]


Hope this helps?

Mark! - null1 - 06-14-2004

Man that scared the bajeezus outta me for some reason. I just heard my dad yelling my name on a bad report card day in a terrible flash back!!!

Thanks for posting PF Wink I was about to. And thanks for the kind words Big Grin

BTW, there really isnt that yellow on the mask....

[Image: 6f_3.JPG]

Mark! - puckface - 06-14-2004

No problem man. I am thikin bout biddin on one soon on ebay....if I can get cash.

Mark! - WilliamAbuJannah - 06-14-2004

man, that is a great looking mask!

Mark! - corblimey79 - 06-14-2004

I 2 am saving for this one!! I love it!! Great work Mark!

Mark! - Indica x - 06-14-2004

I\'ve already got one on order Big Grin BTW corblimey what size hat did you get for your part one??

Mark! - Lewis Tully - 06-15-2004

Quote:Man that scared the bajeezus outta me for some reason. I just heard my dad yelling my name on a bad report card day in a terrible flash back!!!

Sorry, I\'ll be less sudden, and more gentle, next time. That mask is absolutely SICK!!!! ANd I mean in the old way, actually, sick... I LOVE IT!!!!

When the cash comes back around, I\'ll definitely be hitting that up, and if you want, I\'ll e-mail ya some pics of your Pt. 1 with my whole outfit. LATER!!!!


Mark! - null1 - 06-16-2004

Yeah, send pics pics pics Smile