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Holy F'n Shiznit! Check This Out! - Printable Version

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Holy F'n Shiznit! Check This Out! - WarLocK - 06-15-2004

Efex-Alive is selling this on eBay and it is absolutely astonishing! So is the price tag...hehehe. Wish I could afford it. He\'s 6\'6" tall!


[Image: 40_1.JPG]

Holy F'n Shiznit! Check This Out! - WarLocK - 06-15-2004

Looks like Puckface beat me to the post....... oh well, this one has a better title. Wink

Holy F'n Shiznit! Check This Out! - Eddie - 06-15-2004

Wow that\'s awesome! Too bad there are no pics with the hockey. Sad


Holy F'n Shiznit! Check This Out! - CreepingDead - 06-15-2004

Ya\'d think that the "Makeup fx shop supervisor for Freddy Vs. Jason" would know that Jason\'s eyes were BROWN in the film. This is the second silicone copy I\'ve seen that has crazy yellowish looking eyes. Other than that, it\'s pretty cool.

Holy F'n Shiznit! Check This Out! - Dead*meaT - 06-15-2004

yeah, id like to seepix with the hockey...

Holy F'n Shiznit! Check This Out! - puckface - 06-15-2004

Quote:Looks like Puckface beat me to the post....... oh well, this one has a better title. Wink

Holy F'n Shiznit! Check This Out! - WilliamAbuJannah - 06-15-2004

Man that is really cool looking. But yeah, pics w/ the hockey mask on would have been nice.

Holy F'n Shiznit! Check This Out! - JASON 7 - 06-15-2004

that is pretty cool i\'d love to have that for my display.

Holy F'n Shiznit! Check This Out! - puckface - 06-15-2004

If you read the description, it sais sumthin like " And comes with uniwue looking hockey mask...." So you prolby arent missin out.

Holy F'n Shiznit! Check This Out! - Indica x - 06-15-2004

authentic looking hockey is what it says <_<