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Scream Movie Question - mrmorningside - 09-06-2006

wanted to see if anyone knows what the ghostface robe was made out of

Scream Movie Question - TallDarkandDisfigured - 09-06-2006

Not positive but if I remember it was a store bought costume(aka cheapo) I seem to recall an interview with Craven saying he stumbled across it in a small store.

Or I\'m completely nuts... either way not all that helpful I guess. :blink:

Scream Movie Question - mrmorningside - 09-06-2006

lol any help is good help bro :wink:

Scream Movie Question - TallDarkandDisfigured - 09-06-2006

Ah here we go, the mask was originally made by "Fun World" might be a lead...
From Wikipedia
The Ghostface costume is the costume worn by the killers in all three "Scream" movies. It is also referred to as Father Death or Scream.

The mask bears a resemblance to artist Edvard Munch\'s painting The Scream. According to the designer of the mask, it also was inspired by the ghostly characters from a 1930\'s Betty Boop cartoon.The mask is stark white and depicts a caracature of someone screaming and crying at the same time. The rest of the costume is a plain black robe with fake tatters hanging from the sleeve. An interesting fact about the mask is that it was discovered in a house while scouting locations for the movie. It was not created specifically for the film but used a mask that had existed in the marketplace for years before the movie\'s release.

The costume is also available as a halloween costume, generally made of cheap fabric like many halloween costumes, and with a robe that is put on by slipping it over your head like a shirt. The movie version, as well as being made of much sturdier fabric, is put on like a jacket and fastens down the front with velcro. Examples of this version are occasionally available on eBay. The mask is the same with both versions.

In fact, both versions appear in the movie. At the beginning of the first Scream movie, when the killer is chasing down the first victim, he\'s wearing the cheap version of the costume. Once the movie cuts to the next shot, he\'s wearing the official movie version. This is a continuity error on Wes Craven\'s part.

Scream Movie Question - Hauntmaster9 - 09-06-2006

Yep the mask at least was definately made by funworld.

Scream Movie Question - mrmorningside - 09-06-2006

thanks guys Smile

Scream Movie Question - IbDaToNeGuY - 09-06-2006

well i know that the outfit was custom made as Wes thought ahead and had all of the outfits from the movies made with a "sparkly black " fabric and the gloves are attached with different cuttings on the part that hangs down on the arms . i read that he did this so people won\'t buy cheap store boughts for about $30 and try to sell it for $5,000 . there are many ways to tell if one is screen-worn and not .


Scream Movie Question - DragoBloodlust - 09-06-2006

I would guess the robe is made of a cheap lycra blend fabric as most costume robes are,

Scream Movie Question - horrorconcepts - 09-06-2006

The screen used one that I had was made from a heavy thick black sparkly material but for the life of me I can\'t think of what the material is called.

It had the velcro up the front, the gloves were made from the same material and had the clute pattern sewn into them and were attached to the robe with slit\'s for ease of removing your hands if needed. It also had foam in the outer brim of the hood with velcro inside to attach the hood to the mask.

Other than the theater part in the start of scream 2 there isnt any way to mistake the screen used one with the halloween store version. The screen used one was much larger also.

Hope that helps