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Need Opinions... - Homicidal#9 - 10-29-2006

hey guys,

from the looks of it, i am just gonna have to do a quickie costume this year. I have way too much on my plate already, and i haven\'t even begun to think of what to dress up as this year. So right now i have two choices unless i get a chance to hit one of the halloween stores to get some ideas. So i need your opinions on these two. I know they aren\'t accurate or anything like that. This is just something i threw on real quick to see how each would look...let me know...



Need Opinions... - Barzo 19 - 10-29-2006

well, i\'d go with the pt. 3. but thats just me.

go for wut u think would be the best.


Need Opinions... - Rot - 10-29-2006

I like the Jman go with that !!!

Need Opinions... - JOEY - 10-29-2006

The Jman one is cool. But the other one is pretty freaky. Go for that one. (whatever it

Need Opinions... - myers413 - 10-29-2006

Go with costume Jman tommy :wink:

Need Opinions... - Chainsaw - 10-29-2006

Although I think you\'re a great size for J ason, I\'m going to chose the mohawk dude. It looks great from the pics.... it\'s cool and different :yes: .

I wonder what it would look like if you blacked out the area around your eyes :wink: ? Perhaps some black nylon? Just a thought.

Need Opinions... - TallDarkandDisfigured - 10-29-2006

You definatley have the right size for the Jman cistume, but I agree with J here, that mowhawk is much more original. I\'d say work with that one!

Need Opinions... - Homicidal#9 - 10-30-2006

i appreciate the opinions guys. The only problem with the mohawk mask is that it is extremely uncomfortable...and i have no clue what to wear along with it...i will probably just go with the part 3...if i dress up. According the the current forecast, its gonna rain all day on halloween here.


Need Opinions... - mayney - 10-30-2006

Quote:i appreciate the opinions guys. The only problem with the mohawk mask is that it is extremely uncomfortable...and i have no clue what to wear along with it...i will probably just go with the part 3...if i <a href="">dress</a> up. According the the current forecast, its gonna rain all day on halloween here.


Liking the mohawk Tommy.....

Need Opinions... - EVOL - 10-30-2006

Jmans right but...............

I really like your Part 3. Your the size for it and you know I would go with that buddy.