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The Beatles "love" - Printable Version

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The Beatles "love" - Cory - 11-23-2006

I\'m not sure how many of you are fans of the Beatles, but I just thought I\'d share my opinion on the "new" album that was released this past tuesday. It is fantastic. One of the freshest albums I\'ve ever heard in my life. If you\'ve been a fan of the Beatles for a long time and are interested in hearing them in a new light then this is for you. The way George and Giles Martin have spliced and re-arranged these songs is nothing short of genious. It\'s also great for people who are just getting into the Beatles because it\'s a great collection of timeless songs from the band. I can\'t recommend this album enough. I hope that everyone at least checks it\'s wonderful. I bought the collector\'s edition which comes with 1 cd and 1 (audio-only) dvd. The dvd is identical to the cd except it was recorded in 5.1 surround sound so it sounds great in a home theater system.

The Beatles "love" - Ol#39; Chop Top - 11-23-2006

Are you talking about the cirque de soleil one? :ninja:

The Beatles "love" - HalloweeN - 11-23-2006

Yeah, I heard about this a long time ago. Is this actually The Beatles or is this like a cover album recorded by different people?
Jon N.

The Beatles "love" - Ol#39; Chop Top - 11-23-2006

Someone at work made me a copy, knowing i was a fan. It was title the beatles \'Love\'. But he said that it was from the \'cirque de soleil\' performance.

The Beatles "love" - Cory - 11-23-2006

It was created for Cirque Du Soleil, and it is all original Beatles material (except for a new guitar part on "while my guitar gently weeps.") done by George Martin...who can obviously be trusted with the Beatles material.

The Beatles "love" - gega - 11-23-2006

The Beatles are great.

John Lennon is my guru.

The Beatles "love" - Last_of_the_Brunnen-G - 11-23-2006

The Beatles...Man, I don\'t think any other band has influenced modern music as much as they did.

The Beatles "love" - Jason Fan - 11-23-2006

AMEn. They are my upmost favorite band and I am the king of bootlegs so hit me up if you want any.

The Beatles "love" - HalloweeN - 11-23-2006

Quote:AMEn. They are my upmost favorite band and I am the king of bootlegs so hit me up if you want any.

Awsome Jman Fan! I also have a crap load of Beatles Bootlegs...GREAT stuff!!
Jon N.

The Beatles "love" - Willowman - 11-23-2006

Saw this in Wal-Mart yesterday and was wondering what it was but didn\'t stop to llok. I\'ll have to check it out.