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Ot Just Curious - Printable Version

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Ot Just Curious - mike - 12-24-2006

When and why did u guys stop believing in santa?? what was it?

Ot Just Curious - HalloweeN - 12-24-2006

What????! There\'s no Santa??! Smile

Ot Just Curious - Hauntmaster9 - 12-24-2006

My parents never told me about Santa to begin with and when I heard it from the other kids they told me it was fake as soon as I brought it up. Same thing I plan to do when I have kids.

Ot Just Curious - SICKNESS - 12-24-2006

I think in 4th grade, when I was 9. I always asked for the most bizzare things (such as super powers! haha). But suprisingly, I never got them... Or did I?

Ot Just Curious - Fang - 12-24-2006

My aunt told me when I was like 9 or 10...I think.....

Ot Just Curious - FinalOmega - 12-24-2006

I figured out when I found reciets to some present I got from "santa" in my moms room! I think I cried. Confusedad:

Ot Just Curious - pluto - 12-24-2006

Hmmmm i dont even remember when. I asked my mom and she told me hes not real i was kinda older so it didnt hurt as bad if i was yonger.....


Ot Just Curious - SwWx54012 - 12-24-2006

I think I was around 7 or 8. One of my friends told me he was fake. I remember being pissed at him the entire school year. :angry:

Ot Just Curious - ColdBlooded Killer - 12-24-2006

I was in the 3rd grade and woke up late on Christmas eve and saw my parents laying out all my stuff.

Ot Just Curious - Clint - 12-24-2006

When i saw that bastard with my mother.........never mind i don\'t want to talk about it........