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Digi Pics! And Lots Of 'em! (check It Out) - Printable Version

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Digi Pics! And Lots Of 'em! (check It Out) - Eddie - 09-01-2004

Hey guys,
I was finally able to borrow a digital camera to snap some nice pics of my RBR Sandman glove and the ECS1 custom glove I posted about a while ago. Also the ECS1 glove has new leather, and I wanted a cleaner glove so all I did to it was lightly burn it around the holes. Worked out great! So here are the pics. Opinions welcome.

ECS1 custom

[Image: ecs1glove1.jpg]

[Image: ecs1glove2.jpg]

[Image: ecs1glove3.jpg]

[Image: ecs1glove4.jpg]

[Image: ecs1glove5.jpg]

[Image: ecs1glove6.jpg]

Digi Pics! And Lots Of 'em! (check It Out) - Eddie - 09-01-2004

RBR Sandman

[Image: razorbackglove1.jpg]

[Image: razorbackglove2.jpg]

[Image: razorbackglove3.jpg]

[Image: razorbackglove4.jpg]

[Image: razorbackglove5.jpg]

[Image: razorbackglove6.jpg]

Digi Pics! And Lots Of 'em! (check It Out) - Eddie - 09-01-2004


[Image: razorbackglove7.jpg]

[Image: razorbackglove8.jpg]

[Image: razorbackglove9.jpg]

[Image: razorbackglove11.jpg]

[Image: razorbackglove13.jpg]

Digi Pics! And Lots Of 'em! (check It Out) - Eddie - 09-01-2004

Last ones

[Image: razorbackglove14.jpg]

[Image: razorbackglove15.jpg]

[Image: razorbackglove16.jpg]

[Image: razorbackglove17.jpg]

[Image: razorbackglove18.jpg]


Digi Pics! And Lots Of 'em! (check It Out) - VF31 - 09-02-2004

fuggin fantastic

Digi Pics! And Lots Of 'em! (check It Out) - WilliamAbuJannah - 09-02-2004

glad you\'re digging it man. I\'ve never seen one so close up, lol.

Digi Pics! And Lots Of 'em! (check It Out) - VF31 - 09-02-2004

eddie do me a favor, scrape off some particle samples and run them under a those when ya can Tongue

Digi Pics! And Lots Of 'em! (check It Out) - The13thDreamShape - 09-02-2004


great glove!

Digi Pics! And Lots Of 'em! (check It Out) - HalloweeN - 09-02-2004

That\'s some kickassshit! I wanna make a vs glove in my welding class...let me know when you(eddie) get those template things done we were chatting about.

Jon N B)

Digi Pics! And Lots Of 'em! (check It Out) - ElmStreetProductions - 09-02-2004

Looks awesome, congrats eddie.