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Kirkish Nmm78 (new Pics 9/19) - Printable Version

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Kirkish Nmm78 (new Pics 9/19) - WarLocK - 09-18-2004

Here is another NMM78 that I recently acquired. This one has flesh tone skin and blonde hair. I love how you can get different looks from it by night and day. Here are a few pics under different lighting. I\'ll probably take more pics later at night to show you how much this masks appearance can change.

[Image: STNMM2.jpg]
[Image: STNMM1.jpg]
[Image: STNMM3.jpg]
[Image: STNMM4.jpg]

Kirkish Nmm78 (new Pics 9/19) - jonl - 09-18-2004

nice score! Have you got the KH/ DW yet? Or the others?

Kirkish Nmm78 (new Pics 9/19) - WarLocK - 09-18-2004

Still waiting on the others, will post when they arrive.

Kirkish Nmm78 (new Pics 9/19) - The13thDreamShape - 09-18-2004

:o good lord!!!!!


Kirkish Nmm78 (new Pics 9/19) - VF31 - 09-18-2004

god damn i need to go change my pants now.

just beautiful!

Kirkish Nmm78 (new Pics 9/19) - WarLocK - 09-19-2004

[Image: JayAllan1.jpg]
[Image: JayAllan3.jpg]
[Image: JayAllan4.jpg]
[Image: JayAllan2.jpg]

Kirkish Nmm78 (new Pics 9/19) - SPAZ - 09-19-2004

:o :o :o
OMG thats fucking sweet!!!!

Kirkish Nmm78 (new Pics 9/19) - WarLocK - 09-20-2004

Thanks bro. I thought it would kind of be off the wall to see a 1/2 converted NMM style in coveralls. Could you imagine if Myers actually looked like this in pt 1?

Kirkish Nmm78 (new Pics 9/19) - WilliamAbuJannah - 09-20-2004

I don\'t know why, but there\'s something damn creepy about seeing \'myers\' in a flesh colored mask like that.