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Well - Mick7 - 10-14-2004

I was just browsing through ebay, I searched up Jason mask, Thats what I always type in, and theres almost always atleast 3 pages of really good hockey masks from preety much every film, now I went on, searched up Jason mask, and it was 4 pages...4 FRIGGIN PAGES!! Of the Rubies mask, The don post Jason X masks, and a crapload of stupid 8 hole masks, and maybe 1 or 2 good Abs hockey masks....Newline should go to Hell!!

Well - Blaze269 - 10-14-2004

They are already there! That\'s why they are cracking down on all of the really good quality Hockey Mask makers. I agree though I check ebay EVERY night looking for something I can\'t live without. I got a part 2 latex on it\'s way and hoping to win a good son. Oh yeah and the 2 eye inserts I gotta go and pay for.

Well - ZombieBloodLust - 10-15-2004

hey i sell 8-holes! (and full size) likem or not i get bank off of them!!!!! so Pbthhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Well - mike - 10-16-2004

well the good hockey masks arent hard to find ya dont need ebay for those LOL theres plenty outthere

Well - jason8844 - 10-16-2004

ebay can suck my balls (gb im talking about golf balls) lol my warn level is high enough

Well - noxious_infestation - 10-16-2004

Its gone crap lately alright!!!!!!!!!!

Well - Lewis Tully - 10-16-2004

Yes, yes, Ebay sucks... I wonder why they don\'t crack down on fan made Myers masks as much as they do Fred and Jason. I guess New Line is just alot stupid-er than Miramax. Tongue


Well - WilliamAbuJannah - 10-17-2004

lewis!! your beautiful .gif avatar? Where\'d it go? I miss it! It was my favorite av!!!!

Luckily I have it saved on the computer so I can view it whenever I want, lol.