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Sandman Captian From Ssn - Printable Version

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Sandman Captian From Ssn - WilliamAbuJannah - 10-21-2004

I know it\'s retired. Damn it\'s like, impossible to find a Capt. Kirk mask. Obviously a 75 is sooooo out of the question. But I can\'t find any reissue 99 Shatners for sale, and the SSN Sandman Captian is retired.

Hopefully someone comes out with a kick ass accurate Capt. Kirk replica sometime in the future, cuz I really want one to go with my Myers collection.

Does anyone have any Shatner mask pics?

Sandman Captian From Ssn - Mutilated - 10-21-2004

I just seen some site today that sold those masks dude.If I can find the URL i\'ll make sure to post it.

Sandman Captian From Ssn - VF31 - 10-21-2004


[Image: krk1.jpg]
[Image: krk2.jpg]
[Image: krk4.jpg]

Sandman Captian From Ssn - RCuomo 2.0 - 10-21-2004

I just won a Shatner 98 from Justin off eBay Wink

Sandman Captian From Ssn - VF31 - 10-21-2004

lucky sob steve!

Sandman Captian From Ssn - WilliamAbuJannah - 10-21-2004

is that a? mean you own a.....that\'s a......I mean, a 75? thats. *thud*

Sandman Captian From Ssn - VF31 - 10-21-2004

that aint my kirk.....although i have here a testicle id sell for one.

Sandman Captian From Ssn - WilliamAbuJannah - 10-21-2004

Ohhh, ok. Yeah I thought that was pics of yours. I was stunned. I was like, "he never mentioned it?"

Sandman Captian From Ssn - VF31 - 10-21-2004

haha, if i owned that it would be in every pic i take...even if its to take a pic of a Hockey Mask er

Sandman Captian From Ssn - WarLocK - 10-21-2004

Here is the closest mask I have to a 75 Kirk. It is a Jay Allen NMM78 (1/2 converted) from Steve Todd\'s collection... not many of these were ever made. Only 2 that I know of. I really love the look of it.

[Image: STNMM1.jpg]
[Image: STNMM3.jpg]
[Image: JayAllan1.jpg]