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Anyone Know How To Effectively Dirty Stuff Up? - Printable Version

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Anyone Know How To Effectively Dirty Stuff Up? - Lewis Tully - 10-25-2004

Aside from kicking it in the mud? I don\'t want to paint it, either... Although, I may have to kick it in the mud... Anyone have any alternatives?


Anyone Know How To Effectively Dirty Stuff Up? - Jimmy - 10-26-2004

oils and greeses help ALOT......then wash it....where it while eating....wash it...where it to work......wash it...

Anyone Know How To Effectively Dirty Stuff Up? - puckface - 10-26-2004

It would help a bit if we knew what you were wanting to get dirty?

Latex, clothing, Hockey Mask...etc...etc...?

Anyone Know How To Effectively Dirty Stuff Up? - DEATH - 10-26-2004

Waterbased stains, "Rit" dye, carbon wash.

Anyone Know How To Effectively Dirty Stuff Up? - Lewis Tully - 10-26-2004

Oops! I guess that would help. I am wanting to dirty up suede... like I said, I may end up kicking it in the dirt... (Which will be hard, seeing as how I just paid like $80.00 to have it made...) Sad


Anyone Know How To Effectively Dirty Stuff Up? - englundisgod - 10-26-2004

suede i dont know how about shoe polish its real suede right if so use the liquid shoe polish with the sponge on it must be the liqiud kind or it will just crack off

Anyone Know How To Effectively Dirty Stuff Up? - goaliehack - 10-26-2004

It will be hard to get something dirty you paid 80 bucks for, but it won\'t be hard to MAKE something you just paid 80 bucks for look dirty? Huh

Anyone Know How To Effectively Dirty Stuff Up? - puckface - 10-26-2004

How would it be any different REALLY being dirty, rather than using sumthing to make it LOOK dirty? Huh

Im confused

Anyone Know How To Effectively Dirty Stuff Up? - jasonpt3 - 10-26-2004

i use clear coat then alittle bit of black spray paint from far away to get a dirty look on most thing like cloths and hockey masks. i hope this helps you out.

Anyone Know How To Effectively Dirty Stuff Up? - Clint - 10-26-2004

You don\'t want to paint but for leather light coats of flat black, red oxide primer,or flat red, spraypaint works good. Or take a spray bottle and mix it 3 parts water to 1 part ink(india ink or draking ink works good and you can get it in all colors) and spray it on, wait tll it drys and hose it off, this has alwats given my Bubba stuff that fresh from the basement slaughterhouse look. Hope this helps.