NightOwl Forums
Attention All Members... - Printable Version

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Attention All Members... - Homicidal#9 - 10-18-2009

well, I really do not know what else to say. I guess we have some members who either just blatantly do not care or maybe cannot comprehend the rules in the feedback section. I have already had to merge 5 posts when less than 24 hours ago I had to merge 15 of them. I even went so far as to add two new comments in the feedback rules section so that there would be no one saying "Duh...I didn't know...". I guess that just won't work. As of right now, 3 members are about to be suspended for 1 week due to not following the rules of the feedback section. I do not want apologies or members pming me kissing up. Please....just stop doing it. The next step if this happens again is for the feedback section to completely disappear. Justin didn't want it in the first place, and we MODS had to beg him to allow it.take care,Tommy