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Goblin Sculpt Helpt Advice Needed. - Printable Version

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Goblin Sculpt Helpt Advice Needed. - bastardchild - 12-24-2009

i want to introduce myself, my name is Randy and i am from the netherlands. this is my fist sculpt i am doing and i real could use some advice please. at first i started with chavant medium. this clay made me think i could not do it. but then there was lebau clay by chavant wich is softer. i started my first two try's at a freddy krueger sculpt. i found that i had reasaneble sculpt abillety. but like everybody starting out i did to much detal before i got the prominent features correct. this is the first time i started wit rough features and expresion. i bought a book on sculpting and one on facial expression. this helpted alot and a started with rough balls of clay for the forehead wrinkles. i am trying to created a goblin/ orc from lord of the rings. i have a book on warfare about lotr. i need some advise because i always get stuck with the mouth area and nasal fold. forehead and nose i got down already to my opinion. i want th create huig cheekbones, but i feel i am not quiet there yet.<img src=\"\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" />some comment would be helpfull<img src=\"\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" /><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" />

Goblin Sculpt Helpt Advice Needed. - IbDaToNeGuY - 12-24-2009

I think it looks great , first time or not . The only thing i'd change on it is the thickness of the neck . If you plan on making these as masks to wear then nobody would be able to fit into them . But if you are looking to make them display only , then keep it the way it is . Can't wait to see some updates as I love the series mike,

Goblin Sculpt Helpt Advice Needed. - souleater666 - 12-24-2009

i think its coming along great

Goblin Sculpt Helpt Advice Needed. - The Death Curse - 12-24-2009

That's pretty friggin' cool for a first sculpture, man! That said, it still needs a lot of anatomic build-up and further refining.I'm going through the same process right now, and I would suggest looking around online for any and all images of human musculature and learn how the muscles of the head and neck move, and how those in turn shift the skin over top of them. You will soon begin to understand why the skin on your face moves the way it does, which areas wrinkle and bend, which direction they stretch, etc.. Then you can incorporate all that into your Orc design to make it look much more believable and realistic - as well as emotionally charged.One thing I'd DEFINITELY recommend is joining the forum at and do a monumental amount of research on the topic of sculpting. Almost everything in the universe about sculpting methods, anatomy, different clays, and various tools has been covered extensively on that forum, so it's an absolutely invaluable tool for beginners - including myself!'Hope that helps!Cheers,Ryan

Goblin Sculpt Helpt Advice Needed. - bastardchild - 12-24-2009

thanks for your comments everyone. i am already a member of the effectslab. same username alsobut thanks for they advice death curse. i have a book that shows honderd of facial expressions from people of different age and etnicy. i will post the book title some time.can enyone recomment me a camera and lightning equiptment?becaus i want to take some decent pictures sometime. for personal potfolio use.anyway i want to wish everyone a happy christmas. and thanks for al the people that where willing to post a commentRandy

Goblin Sculpt Helpt Advice Needed. - scream4me - 12-25-2009

not bad at all, pics are abit blurry, but looks good.

Goblin Sculpt Helpt Advice Needed. - bastardchild - 01-04-2010

<img src=\"\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" />i had some time to contineu the sculpt during christmas and newyear. i added the back and smoothed everything down. i think it looks oke now. still need to sharpenen some lines and thicken the eyebags. need to ad some eye wrinkles and folds also. i am also on planning to make the neck more male like<img src=\"\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" />what does everybody else think. i think it is not half bad for one of my first sculpts ever. i need to change that weird temple bone. but i need some refference on howe to correct this. and than i am making the trapeze muscle more pronounched and manly. the weird thing is this that i sculpted this on a femal busti need to make some small changes so that it is more symetrich overal<img src=\"\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" />this shot realy helped with symetrical flaws.and after al this i am going to do the pores and skin textures. but i first need some tool to do this.after it is doen i will post again.

Goblin Sculpt Helpt Advice Needed. - souleater666 - 01-04-2010
