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JV666 - SuperDanDrista - 03-18-2004

Last week he told me he wanted to buy my 245trioxin part 8 off of me. I said fine. He lives an hour away. he said he shipped money last saturday so out of good faith, I told him since i\'ll be at the post office on monday i\'ll ship his mask then rather than ship it after i receive money order. BIG MISTAKE on my part. He tells me on tuesday that he didn\'t actually send the money and he\'s real sorry. So on wednesday he says he\'ll just overnight the payment on wednesday. SO yesterday he\'s claiming all day that his mother shipped it for him.,.he swears up and down and even asked if i wanted to call her to make sure. I said whatever i\'ll just wait. Today comes, no mail from him. Obviously by now he has my mask. Anyone see him around or know any of his 20 AIM names let me know. I am locating his phone number right now and will be calling his home shortly. If I do not hear of anything today i\'ll be taking a ride to his house this week to either get back my 245trioxin mask and what I paid for shipping and gas to drive down or money for the mask. I am fuming right now. I can be a dick some times but at least i\'m a fair trader.

JV666 - Jason-V - 03-18-2004

yeah i would be takin a field trip!!!!!!!

JV666 - ssj4freddy - 03-18-2004

Do you have a ball bat to bust his knees out? Wink Just Kidding! I would be really steamed to if I sent a product out and never got money for it. Its like the case of the Ken Kirezenger mask buyer.

JV666 - TheChosenOne - 03-18-2004

That really sucks... And no, I haven\'t seen him on here lately.

JV666 - SuperDanDrista - 03-18-2004

I have all his info and will give him today to show himself online or email me. If he doesn\'t i\'ll have sometihng coming to me for sure

JV666 - puckface - 03-18-2004

Oh, man, I didnt do anything and I \'m scared Smile

JV666 - MegaJasonXXL - 03-18-2004

I have to say fellas, this is making me a little curious about a money order from JV666 that mysteriously vanished in the mail on its way to my studio box. I never sent the merchandise to him but still, it raises an eyebrow. Hmm.

JV666 - puckface - 03-18-2004


JV666 - SuperDanDrista - 03-18-2004

Just called his house.. No one picked up so I left a polite message in hopes that he\'ll call me back. my mother is a lawyer

If there is any problem i\'m sure a call from her would solve matters even faster

JV666 - SuperDanDrista - 03-18-2004

he tells a lot of people that it gets lost in the mail. Luckily for me I have all his contact information and live close. I only sent becuase I was going to the post office that day and figured it would be no big deal to send early since he said he sent money and gave me the go ahead to send