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In Need of some Critique - Hauntmaster9 - 03-18-2004

At first I was wondering if I should post this since everyone under the sun is sculpting this mask, but since Spaz\' critique post went so well I thought what the hell, why not. This is tcm remake sculpture so far, I\'m not sure if I\'m gonna be casting this one, it\'s more a of a practise, this is about 4 hours worth of roughing out. I\'ve only concentrated on the face so far, and I have not begun to refine forms or detail at all. I need some serious critique and opinions before I go any further. Thanks in advance.

In Need of some Critique - Hauntmaster9 - 03-18-2004


In Need of some Critique - VF31 - 03-18-2004

like said before, lookin real good....seems like u captured the look.

i still havent seen the new tcm....nor am i a huge fan of the i cant really critque more than what i see...and its lookin good.

In Need of some Critique - SPAZ - 03-18-2004

looking good man keep it up

In Need of some Critique - Hauntmaster9 - 03-18-2004

oh yeah i know the right eye looks fucked, i havent done much of anything to it

In Need of some Critique - Indica x - 03-18-2004

looking good so far I\'d definately fix that eye and the mouth seems a little off I can\'t put my finger on it but since this is a rough sculpture that could be it but like I said looking good so far

In Need of some Critique - OwlHunter - 03-18-2004

nice shane looks hott bro

In Need of some Critique - Fredsmidfinger - 03-18-2004

THe temple shouldn\'t be exemplafid like that the head has a more round shapeSmile I hope that hwlps a little it looks great. What areyou sculpting it out of IT looks like sculpty?

In Need of some Critique - Hauntmaster9 - 03-18-2004

Thanks fred, it\'s not sculpey, I\'m not even sure what it is, I think it\'s a local brand it\'s an oil based clay the pink is extra firm, the white is firm, I make the underscull out of the pink then work out everything else in the white over top of it, it\'s a welcome change from wed, don\'t have to worry about it drying up and cracking when I\'m out of town for a night or two.

In Need of some Critique - Fredsmidfinger - 03-19-2004

Take your time on this one from the looks of it your on your way to making an awsome mask. I try to a details until I can\'t handel it anymoreSmile I can\'t afford oil based clay though. SO I guess I will ave to deal with the WED clay.