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Marvel Vs Dc (Or Other) - Printable Version

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Marvel Vs Dc (Or Other) - LeatherfaceFan07 - 07-22-2010

Well with SDCC this week and all of the Superhero movies that are being promoted at it (Captain America, Thor, Avenger, Green Lantern, etc.), I thought I'd ask you fellow NIGHTOWLers which Universe you'd prefer and why.

I myself am a Marvel fan too and thru. The only DC characters I care about are Batman and most recently the Green Lantern. I thought think Marvel's Universe has the better heroes and most importantly for me the better villains. I love those Spider-Man villains. No other franchise has better ones in my opinion. I've always felt most things about the DCU were just kind of...generic?

Marvel Vs Dc (Or Other) - Mutilated - 07-22-2010

Yeah, Batman is the only good DC character IMO. Marvel just has a better bunch of Super Hero's.

Marvel Vs Dc (Or Other) - pluto - 07-22-2010

Marvel, I to love spider-man and his Villains!! Problems Parkers(Green Goblin)

Marvel Vs Dc (Or Other) - monteburns - 07-22-2010

Always been a diehard Marvel fan.
So many fantastic characters & villains to choose from.

DC only really has Batman & Supes who are both huge characters.
Batman's villains are fantastic but Superman's are not.

Marvel Vs Dc (Or Other) - SideshowFreak - 07-22-2010

I have collected and read comics since 1987 or 88. I have always been a huge Marvel guy. With the exception for a few DC titles like Batman,Justice and good ol Captain A.

But over the past for years my mainstay comics are with Image. The Walking dead,Astounding wolfman,Chew,The Brit,Invincible and i cant forget my new fav Haunt!

As you can see by the Image titles above I'm a huge Robert Kirkman fan! Hes writing is simply amazing. Some of you who don't read comics my know R. Kirkman from creating the Marvel zombies phenomenon.

I do still read Amazing Spiderman, Wolverine origins, and Batman but thats about it. If any of you have something you would highly recommend please do. I just simply got jaded with all the crossovers and all the other crap.

So after all that rambling i choose other. IMAGE!! :biggrin:


Marvel Vs Dc (Or Other) - stainboy - 07-23-2010

Make Mine Marvel.

(I bet that phrase throws some of you back...)

As for why, I think that Marvel has always had the more human characters. Other than Batman obviously, DC superheroes were always some type of non-human like Superman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, etc....

I always love the human approach...

Marvel Vs Dc (Or Other) - EVOL - 07-23-2010

Marvel has always been my favorite.

I like DC too but Marvel is where it's at!

I think the Batman movies have been the best films from comics> As much as i like Marvel. I haven't been to crazy about the films but Batman was just awesome!!!!

Marvel Vs Dc (Or Other) - clownnation - 07-23-2010

I keep up with comics pretty heavy. Traditionally Ive been a Marvel guy. Stan Lee is the father of modern mythology.. but these days Im split 50/50 I read Spiderman, Hulk and Avengers on the Marvel side and On DC I read Batman, JLA and Green Lantern. Lately DC has had better "Large: scale story arcs like "52" and "Blackest Night"

"Marvel Civil War" was the best Marvel universe arc in a while

Marvel Vs Dc (Or Other) - Hideous Looking Man - 07-23-2010

DC all the way for me.

Outside of Spiderman, all my fave comic characters fall under DC. Batman, Deadman, The Spectre, Swamp Thing, Sandman, Green Arrow... I could go on.

Marvel Vs Dc (Or Other) - Bezzerkerr - 07-23-2010

I don't follow the comics anymore but i collect the statues like a crazed animal.

I prefer the Marvel Universe, it has sooo many awesome characters. DC has great characters, just not enough.