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How To Remove Paint From Funworld Scream? - Printable Version

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How To Remove Paint From Funworld Scream? - Lewis Tully - 03-30-2011

Hey, guys.
Upon pulling my Scream masks out of storage I noticed that my most coveted, an original cloth backed Funworld has had some paint from some prop knives to rub off onto it. It's nothing huge, but the mask would look better without the silver paint blotches all over it. I thought about acetone, or some other such paint remover, but I would hate for anything to damage the mask. Anyone have any advice??? Thanks, guys!!!

How To Remove Paint From Funworld Scream? - Last_of_the_Brunnen-G - 03-31-2011

I know that you can use spray- on oven cleaner such as Easy Off to remove paint from vinyl models. I don't know if that would work or not.

How To Remove Paint From Funworld Scream? - Lewis Tully - 03-31-2011

Awesome! Thanks!