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Fod Part 7 Hockey Mask - Printable Version

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Fod Part 7 Hockey Mask - puckface - 03-31-2011

That's right, folks. Ol' Mike stopped by today to paint up a part 7 I formed up for him. He's hoping to get back in the game here soon and says he needs to make things right first and for most. A part 7 is one of the very few masks he still owes and it's all done and ready to go. Hopefully we can let this thread be more about the mask rather than questioning about his return.

It was a bit of a collaboration, but for the most part, this is all Mike. My hardrive just crashed, so I only had one photo for reference after having a new one installed. So we weren't able to get it quite as accurate as others out there, but I was impressed overall. Especially seeing as how it's been years since Mike has done a hockey mask.

Hope you guys dig it!

[Image: DSC_0874.jpg]

[Image: DSC_0875.jpg]

[Image: DSC_0879.jpg]

[Image: DSC_0880.jpg]

[Image: DSC_0882.jpg]

Thanks for looking!

Fod Part 7 Hockey Mask - Manhattan_killer - 03-31-2011

That looks great,awesome details! Mike did an awesome job on that and not trying to get off topic like you said but I cant help but say that Im very excited to here that hes getting back into the game,Id love to get some awesome FOD pieces,I hope he will produce some stuff from the old molds if he still has them. :thumbsup:

Fod Part 7 Hockey Mask - IbDaToNeGuY - 04-01-2011

i think the shaping of the mask looks great . i have trouble getting that look with my masks but you nailed it on this. so when are we gonna see a 7 from you Scott ?

Fod Part 7 Hockey Mask - evilsmellyclown - 04-01-2011

great looking 7. don't really know the situation with mike so i wont comment. as long as he makes things right with everyone i have no problem. lets keep this about the hok like puck said guys and this thread will stay open.


Fod Part 7 Hockey Mask - Old_B@st@rd - 04-01-2011

The mask looks fantastic. Mike's very talented. Good luck to him, and I hope he is successful on making things right and getting back on his feet mask making.

Fod Part 7 Hockey Mask - imperialhockmaster - 04-01-2011

Mask definately has that FOD vibe, looks good Scott, hope to see Mike back on the boards and in the Game, as long as he sews up his loose ends im sure we will welcome him with open arms, Its been a while, but the last conversation i had with Mike we talked about the possibilty of him getting FOD going again, glad to see that may happen in the near future! Oh yea,and like Mike said, when we gonna see a 7 by you Scott?

Fod Part 7 Hockey Mask - mike - 04-02-2011

first off i would like to say thanks and i missed you guys..2nd in some way shape or form i will get the few people(not tons like rumors have said) squared mainly looking to start collecting again not making masks..I didnt tend for any of this to happen and it wasnt done intentionally i mean i was mnaking great money then all a suddend i left you guys gotta think that somthing had to be going on for me to leave that cash flow behind..I cannot say in detail what happend for legal reasons but i wasnt as powerful as others and i lost the battle im gona leave it at that

as well as the irs being made aware of what i was doing i had to pay alot of back taxes and i couldnt sell masks because of other things..but i will take care of order to fill any outstanding orders i have to get thigns straightend out and thats what i intend on doin..i didnt come back under another name like some people have done to sell and buy in this hobby i came back as myself and i would like to apologize for anyone who thought i would never come threw but i will..

seeya guys later

and for the few friends in this hobby who remained my friends thanks!!!!!

take care mike

Fod Part 7 Hockey Mask - Earl - 04-02-2011

Good to hear from you, buddy

Fod Part 7 Hockey Mask - dougie - 04-02-2011

Hey Mike, Good to see you back!

Fod Part 7 Hockey Mask - mrmorningside - 04-02-2011

nice to see you back mike :thumbsup: