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New Holy Grail Piece - The Splash Head - Printable Version

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New Holy Grail Piece - The Splash Head - The Death Curse - 04-01-2011

OMG. Freaking out... :woot: ...Okay, please allow me to become Mr. Fanboy for a few minutes and offer a short explanation on the origin of this piece:

This was a sculpture created for a short FX shot in Terminator 2: Judgment Day by Mike Trcic, one of my favorite artists who is also a huge inspiration. Trcic also designed and sculpted the infamous "Donut Head" T-1000 puppet, as well as MANY other various props and prosthetics for use in T2. He went on to sculpt pieces for Batman Returns and design many of the dinosaurs for Jurassic Park, among other incredible things. He is also referenced heavily throughout The Winston Effect. (That is a great read for those of you who haven't bought it!)

To the FX crew at Winston Studios, this design was apparently dubbed "Splash Head"...It was used for the Pescadero chase sequence in which the T-1000 takes a shotgun slug right in the mouth from the T-800. As a result, T-1000's head explodes and then quickly reforms back together before he pursues the leading characters down an elevator shaft...

This piece is cast directly from the Splash Head movie mold, which still survives in what appears to be questionable condition. According to the man who pulled this piece, he was either given or sold the mold by a "friend" who worked for Winston Studios and had no room for a few large molds they had kept, including an Arnold Stage 5 makeup mold and a "Biker cop" T-1000 1:1 full head design. In 2007, this guy pulled two resin castings from each mold for Ebay, and mine was the first "cleanup casting", which COULD mean that this bust was the first pull from the mold in 15 to 16 years. The sister bust to this one has apparently been cleaned up, repaired, modified, and slightly retooled, but this one exhibits lots of trapped dirt and debris, and remains completely untrimmed and unmodified. I couldn't afford them back then, but when this one came up for sale again, I knew I had to jump on it.

Sorry about that long rant...I can't help myself! :laugh: Here are some photos of the original sculpture being created by Mr. Trcic at the Stan Winston Studio:


...and here is my first-generation resin casting:

[Image: P1350397.jpg]
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More pictures below...

New Holy Grail Piece - The Splash Head - The Death Curse - 04-01-2011

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More below...

New Holy Grail Piece - The Splash Head - The Death Curse - 04-01-2011

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New Holy Grail Piece - The Splash Head - The Death Curse - 04-01-2011

Our cat didn't know WHAT to think! :laugh: I snapped this picture while she wasn't looking...

[Image: P1350463.jpg]

Thanks for looking and cheers,


New Holy Grail Piece - The Splash Head - IbDaToNeGuY - 04-01-2011

error on the links . sweet piece as is all Terminator stuff . you plan on finishing it up yourself ? would love to see this bad boy painted up :thumbsup:

New Holy Grail Piece - The Splash Head - evilsmellyclown - 04-01-2011

Holycow!!!! That is incredible. Never seen this piece and sure appreciate the history on it. Cool as hell, congratulations on your grail brother.


New Holy Grail Piece - The Splash Head - souleater666 - 04-02-2011

thats pretty cool

New Holy Grail Piece - The Splash Head - Manhattan_killer - 04-02-2011

Man that is too cool! Congrats on your grail,awesome piece.

New Holy Grail Piece - The Splash Head - monteburns - 04-02-2011

Awesome piece! :thumbsup:


New Holy Grail Piece - The Splash Head - Chainsaw - 04-02-2011

Big congrats Ryan!! I know how much this piece means to you... and I know how difficult it was waiting while the package seemed to be in limbo.
So what are your plans with the bust? I suspect you will leave it as is... but you just never know :thumbsup: .