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What Do You Have On Order - Printable Version

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What Do You Have On Order - crazydog500 - 07-10-2011

Just thought this would be fun post away.

Got my Camp Stalker being painted by Erich and custom molded teeth should be finished sometime next week.

and a Silicone Eric blank on the way from Addison

[Image: Erich61.jpg]

What Do You Have On Order - MPN212 - 07-10-2011

Roy Hockey Mask :laugh:

What Do You Have On Order - msharrow - 07-10-2011

Bob Primeau
Blank resin pt 3 Jason
Blank resin cropsy.......waiting and waiting.

Jason pt 6 coffin dummy, in the mail, should arrive tomorrow.

Monte Ward
MMFX Silicone pt 7 Jason paint up
Howling Eddie Quist Figure
KX Dr. Loomis paint up and hair

A-R Ballistic
Smiths Grove Sanitarium sign

Maurice Guy
Repaired "whitey" house that FedEx completely destroyed twice. Maurice is repairing it free of charge.

HLM Trade for my JB Brute.

Plus 2 under cover items that I am sworn to secrecy on.


What Do You Have On Order - darko@totalgeek - 07-11-2011


What Do You Have On Order - DrenTheLiar - 07-11-2011

Crimson Ghost mask, Second Stab rehaul, and a Creep.

What Do You Have On Order - GraveOctober - 07-11-2011

HSS Part 6 Coffin Bust (should be here Tuesday)

What Do You Have On Order - puckface - 07-11-2011

Just a His Unlucky Day bust from James Mangrum and an H2 from Mr. James Carter. Not much, but they are the best of their categories!

What Do You Have On Order - shapeshifter1995 - 07-11-2011

The Trapper from Justin.
Pugslys Savini TCM part 2 in about 1 1/2 weeks.
A whole slew of TCM 1 and 2 fright-stuff stuff.
I am excited to say the least.

What Do You Have On Order - theglovedkiller - 07-11-2011

I feel like crap seeing everyone else's costly awesome masks
But i had some money left over and i want a BRUTE so i ordered one from darkside studios its done and going in the mail today can't wait loved the BRUTE as soon as i seen it what do you guys think here's the pic he sent me
[Image: IMG_2028.png]

What Do You Have On Order - Myersh20 - 07-12-2011

Jon Fuller:

Dr Loomis repaint/hair
Butterfingers Freddy repaint/new eyes

Justin Mabry:

Raw3 repaint

Chris Russell:

Something Awesome but top secret :wink: