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Sopa / Pipa : Take Action! - Printable Version

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Sopa / Pipa : Take Action! - GraveOctober - 01-19-2012

Here ye here ye!

If you live in the U.S., you have probably already heard about SOPA. I highly recommend familiarizing yourself with the bill, and sign Google\'s widespread petition. The passing of SOPA and PIPA could change our hobby as we know it. Please spread the word, and have people sign this petition.

It will only take 20 SECONDS of your time!


Sopa / Pipa : Take Action! - EVOL - 01-19-2012

Yes, We all need to take action against this!

I singed the petition. If you care about our hobby and you live in the US then you need to sign this.

Sopa / Pipa : Take Action! - Michael_Myers H20 - 01-19-2012

I just signed the petition.


Sopa / Pipa : Take Action! - stainboy - 01-19-2012

It would FULLY change the internet. Change youtube, change wikipedia, change NIGHTOWL\'s messageboard.

Sopa / Pipa : Take Action! - GraveOctober - 01-19-2012

Looks like 13 senators are now opposing:

Sopa / Pipa : Take Action! - EVOL - 01-19-2012

Hopefully we get more then 13........

We really need to shoot this bill down!

Putr that bill down!!!!!!!!

Sopa / Pipa : Take Action! - stainboy - 01-19-2012

It\'s up to 19, but it all depends on how many abstain from voting. A quorum vote could help out, but I imagine many senators might defend it considering backing by the Hollywood rich.

Sopa / Pipa : Take Action! - msharrow - 01-19-2012

signed! sign this thing guys, very important to our way of life.


Sopa / Pipa : Take Action! - SideshowFreak - 01-21-2012

Land of the free???

Sopa / Pipa : Take Action! - stainboy - 01-21-2012

Important notation to those signing/reading this petition/thread...our signatures have no impact on the bill.
Our signatures are merely hoping to influence Senators in general.

If you really want to impact, then send a letter to your elected SENATOR. This is a Senate Bill, currently.