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Any Customers Of Rbr, Please Read, Important - WilliamAbuJannah - 12-21-2004

Hey guys and ghouls,

it is with 2 sad hands that I type this. Yesterday morning I was kicked out of my house. I had to quickly find somewhere to store all my personal stuff and collection and sadly had to pack up the shop.

Before anyone freaks out, I want to say:

1. I\'m not disappearing. I love this community and have alot of friends here, so don\'t think I\'m gonna disappear.

2. Everyone will of course still get their gloves, but obviously there is now somewhat of a delay. I\'m especially sorry because some of you have been waiting a couple months already.

3. Raven, the gloves in your order that are finished are safe and secure, no worries.

4. again all I can do is apoligize to the inconvienance this may cuase some of you, if not out and out frustration. which I would understand.

5. I don\'t know how often I\'ll be able to check emails, (I\'m using a iMAC at a friends house now, wierd little thing, kinda slow too. ) But i will be checking as often as possible.

6. I may be down, but I\'m not out. I still have plans for RbR that include alot more then just gloves.

thanks everyone for understanding, again I\'m sorry that my personal life is interfering with the glove work, i don\'t want it too, and I\'m sure you don\'t want it to.

peace out ghouls and ghosts, I\'ll be back and checking in as often as possible. As soon as a glove is done I will be shipping it. I\'ve been trying to do them in batches, but that\'s taking too long and I\'d rather get gloves to people as soon as possible.

Think some warm thoughts for me, it\'s COLD man!!!


Any Customers Of Rbr, Please Read, Important - Mutilated - 12-21-2004

Ah man, i\'m sorry to hear you got kicked out.I wish the best for you man.Take care.Sad

Any Customers Of Rbr, Please Read, Important - VF31 - 12-21-2004

sob, sucky turn of events man, sorry to hear that....just do what ya can with ur a patient guy.

Any Customers Of Rbr, Please Read, Important - WilliamAbuJannah - 12-21-2004

thanks man. 2nd unplanned relocate in 6 months. Getting kind of tired of it. Sad

Any Customers Of Rbr, Please Read, Important - The13thDreamShape - 12-21-2004

aww man, im so sorry to hear. i hope things go well.

Any Customers Of Rbr, Please Read, Important - fiend52 - 12-21-2004

man that sucks. good luck with everything bro

Any Customers Of Rbr, Please Read, Important - null1 - 12-21-2004

Im sorry to hear that man, I hope things get better for SOON!

Any Customers Of Rbr, Please Read, Important - Krazy Ken - 12-21-2004

Man that sucks good luck and if you need anything gimme a holler

Any Customers Of Rbr, Please Read, Important - SPAZ - 12-21-2004

hey bro pm me Sad Sad

Any Customers Of Rbr, Please Read, Important - WilliamAbuJannah - 12-21-2004

me too man. homeless in winter, 5 days before Xmas with orders that need to go out is not how I thought I\'d be ringing out the year. Sad

this is so typical of my life in 2004 it\'s not even funny, just one more dig before the years over. Please GOD let 2005 be better.

Did I mention I had court this morning? yeah, came back from court to find out I had ZERO time to move. Got no sleep the night before cuz I was worried about court, came home and got kicked out.

wanna hear what really pisses me off? the person who I was renting from thought all my horror stuff was SOOOO cool,...until November 1st. Then he said Halloweens over and I must be a, "sick" person to be so "into" this stuff. And was summuraily asked to leave.

Why is it that when people watch \'War\' movies, read history books, study guns, battles, conflicts and all that. They\'re perfectly normal. But if someone likes, watches, reads about, etc. Horror movies, then there\'s something wrong with them? WTF? I don\'t like horror movies for the gore. Gore is a cheap thrill. I like the SpecFX, the latex work, the masks, all the stuff that made 80\'s horror movies cool. Practical effects and what have you.

anyway, I\'m tired, been a long day I guess I\'m rambling.

Thanks for the support guys.