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Wow, What Happened To The Mask Collectors? - Printable Version

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Wow, What Happened To The Mask Collectors? - imperialhockmaster - 01-26-2013

I have been mia for a few yrs, but when i was active on this site and many others, they were booming, now FS, MM, and this site seem to be dead, anyone know whats going on?

Wow, What Happened To The Mask Collectors? - nsmpls - 01-26-2013

well Ill say for myself and maybe others are seeing the same way but Ill always have a love for this art but being everything else in life is now getting harder, it seems like collecting is behind everything else. Some people just fade away entirely but I dont talk much on the sites, just like looking and pitch in here and there but Ive gotten rid of most of my collection and still want to down size what its at. Ill never get rid of curtain items I have but its not what it was to me anymore.

Wow, What Happened To The Mask Collectors? - Slasher Asher - 01-27-2013

People lost interest or are busy with other things. I myself left for a while cause I got tired of seeing masks based on the same slasher characters over and over again instead of more obscure monsters.

Wow, What Happened To The Mask Collectors? - imperialhockmaster - 01-27-2013

Yea i guess its the same way i left, life just got busy, money got harder to get and the world is falling apart before us, its crazy that its showing even on our small world of horror fans. I was expecting everything to be the same though, i even made a few new masks since i was active, more for personal use not for sale, plus just didint have time to put into selling them with so much competition, but golly gee willikers man, im back, hope we get a sudden hike in interest again, there are some really great movies coming out in the near future, well thanks guys for the replys, nice to see there are at least a few people still lingering in the shadows with me!!!